Tech Industry Customer Success Stories | Schema App Solutions End-to-End Schema Markup and Knowledge Graph Solution for Enterprise SEO Teams. Fri, 09 Aug 2024 15:14:16 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Tech Industry Customer Success Stories | Schema App Solutions 32 32 How Gusto Partnered With Schema App to Develop Their Semantic Content Knowledge Graph Fri, 15 Dec 2023 18:47:07 +0000 The post How Gusto Partnered With Schema App to Develop Their Semantic Content Knowledge Graph appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

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Customer Story

How Gusto Partnered With Schema App to Develop Their Semantic Content Knowledge Graph

Founded in 2011, Gusto is a payroll software company serving over 300,000 customers. Their solutions are tailored towards small to medium-sized businesses and accountants, with payroll solutions at the core of their work, alongside HR solutions and benefits.

Gusto began its partnership with Schema App during a major time of change in the search experience. They wanted to ensure that SMB audiences could find relevant resources through search to help them run their businesses.

Just before Google started prioritizing a deeper semantic understanding of content, the Gusto SEO team was already on it. The goal was to elevate their visibility and relevance in search to better serve their customers. To do that, the team focused on implementing semantic Schema Markup with agility and scale.

By partnering with Schema App, Gusto was able to implement and manage semantic Schema Markup across their site with ease. This enabled them to lead the industry with a rich content knowledge graph that would future-proof them for this next phase of AI-driven Search.


1. Visibility in Search

As Gusto’s Senior SEO Manager, Harinder Singh recognized the importance of providing context to search engines through connected Schema Markup.

He knew that the more clarity they could offer in the language of search engines – – the better search engines could understand their content and present it accurately to users seeking such information.

In addition to increasing contextual understanding, he knew that proper Schema Markup would make their content eligible for rich results, further improving their website visibility and click-through rates, driving quality traffic to their site, and helping SMB audiences find valuable information.

2. Complex Web Architecture

Faced with the challenge of optimizing hundreds of pages across an Enterprise architecture, they needed to find a scaled solution that could be managed centrally.

To address this, Gusto turned to Schema App, an external Software as a Service solution enabling efficient and programmatic Schema Markup implementation at scale.


Based on his past successes working with Schema App, Harinder knew they had the best solution to take Gusto’s SEO program to the next level.

1. Implementing Schema Markup at Scale

When Gusto partnered with Schema App, they leveraged the Schema App Highlighter to generate and deploy dynamic Schema Markup for different page sets across their CMSs through Javascript.

Within weeks, they started achieving Review Snippets, Product rich results, FAQ rich results and How-to rich results on their targeted pages.

By achieving these rich results, they gained more impressions and clicks to their pages. Rich Results showcased Gusto’s pricing, ratings, reviews, and other relevant content directly in the search results, engaging the users at the start of their search journey.

Working with Schema App enabled Gusto to implement Schema Markup on their site in a programmatic manner despite their complex web architecture. Furthermore, Gusto was assigned a Customer Success Manager to help them manage their markup and make swift changes whenever necessary.

The relationship between [Schema App and Gusto] is not transactional. [Schema App] is always willing to tweak things and invest time and resources into different things to see what would work best. This is what SEO is all about. You cannot do SEO without trying new things.”

– Harinder Singh, Senior SEO Manager, Gusto

2. Developing a Knowledge Graph

Throughout this partnership, it became clear that search was moving from lexical to semantic search. Instead of matching keywords in queries to keywords on landing pages, search engines were now matching meaning and intent in queries to relevant landing pages.

In order for search engines to understand the meaning of content, they first need to understand the entities on a page. Gusto was able to leverage Schema App’s Linked Entity Recognition feature to automatically identify named entities in their text and link them to external identifiers from authoritative knowledge bases like Wikidata and Google’s Knowledge Graph.

Using linked data and connecting entities across their website, Schema App developed Gusto’s unique content knowledge graph to help search engines like Google reduce ambiguity in interpreting their content and match their content with greater accuracy to the user’s query.


Gusto’s partnership with Schema App proved to be a valuable addition to their SEO strategy. On top of accelerating their visibility on search, they were also able to lead the industry by implementing semantic Schema Markup and creating a knowledge graph.

Google is constantly making changes to the SERP, but by working with Schema App, Gusto gets timely insights on these changes and can leverage the support from Schema App to pivot their strategy accordingly.

“The support from our Customer Success Manager has been great. He constantly has innovative ideas and experiments that we can work on. There is a team that stands behind the [Schema App] product, and that team has been fantastic for us. [Schema App’s] support and ease of use is what truly stands out for us.”

Image of Harinder Singh, Senior SEO Manager at Gusto

Harinder Singh

Senior SEO Manager


See how Schema App can help your business leverage Schema Markup to develop a knowledge graph and stand out in search.

The post How Gusto Partnered With Schema App to Develop Their Semantic Content Knowledge Graph appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

How AVID Technology Grew Clicks by 243% using Schema Markup Thu, 18 May 2023 20:26:52 +0000 The post How AVID Technology Grew Clicks by 243% using Schema Markup appeared first on Schema App Solutions.


Customer Story

How Avid Technology Grew Clicks by 243% using Schema Markup

Avid Technology specializes in digital media creation tools and platforms for film, video, audio, broadcast professionals and individual content creators. The company connects content creation with collaboration, asset protection, distribution, and consumption for the most prestigious and award-winning feature films, music recordings, and television shows, to live concerts and news broadcasts.

Growth in clicks within a year of working with Schema App

Growth in impressions within a year of working with Schema App

Increase in CTR for Product pages with rich results

Founded in 1987, Avid Technology has continued to evolve its business to meet the current needs of its users. Like many other successful businesses, Avid had an e-commerce store and shifted from a one-time payment model to a subscription model for its digital media creation hardware and software. 

However, Avid’s journey wasn’t an easy one. Its e-commerce platform was built at a time when there wasn’t great support for subscriptions and had poor search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities. As a result, the company had a hard time communicating key information about its product to search engines. 

For example, its software subscription products would always be in stock because it’s software. However, Google didn’t seem to understand that and would often show Avid products as “out of stock” on search. 

This was one of the many issues that Matthew Heeb, Director of Digital Optimization at Avid Technology, had to solve. With a ton of tech debt and a website that wasn’t configured well for SEO, Matthew and his team focused their efforts on improving the technical side of their SEO. 

Furthermore, Avid knew that it needed to implement a Schema Markup strategy to help search engines clearly understand the content on its site. 


Most organizations will often try to implement Schema Markup internally and Avid Technology was no exception. Matthew wanted to find a way to implement Schema Markup without having to take away resources from their development team.

However, as Matthew started researching ways to implement Schema Markup, he started to realize the amount of effort needed to do it properly.


He found an article online that provided a step-by-step guide to adding Schema Markup to Avid’s use of Google Tag Manager. However, this solution would require the company to manually add the Schema Markup to each individual page on its site and update the Schema Markup if it were to change the content on any pages. 

At that point in time, the Digital Optimization team at Avid consisted of Matthew and one other team member. With thousands of pages across multiple sites, he knew that they couldn’t implement the Schema Markup at scale with what limited resources they had. 

Complex web architecture

Furthermore, Avid was using SiteCore as its content management system (CMS) and even though it was a great CMS, it wasn’t configured with SEO in mind. There were also no other plugins that Matthew and his team could easily use to add the Schema Markup on their site.

Upon further research, Matthew chanced upon Schema App and found that the Schema App solution checked the two key criteria. 

  • Scalable – Schema App could deploy Schema Markup to all pages automatically
  • Works with their e-commerce store – Schema App’s tools could integrate with Avid’s CMS and deploy the Schema Markup to its website

The cherry on top of the cake was the fact that they would be assigned a Customer Success Manager from Schema App who knew a lot more about Schema Markup and was going to help Avid build and manage its Schema Markup strategy. 

None of us are Schema Markup experts. Schema App wasn’t just selling us a tool. They were giving us someone that was a Schema Markup expert to help us build our strategy and that was a huge benefit.


This marked the beginning of Avid Technology’s partnership with Schema App.

To start, Matthew and his team shared their desired outcomes for this partnership.

  • Leverage Schema Markup to grow their revenue from organic search
  • Increase product awareness for both B2B and B2C consumers
  • Improve brand support appearances in search to better serve their customers 

Avid’s assigned Customer Success Manager first customized the Schema Markup strategy before implementing it at scale through the Schema App Editor and Highlighter to achieve the desired outcomes.

1. Implementing Advanced Schema Markup at Scale

To help Avid Technology grow its revenue and product awareness from organic search, the Schema App Customer Success Manager created and deployed Product Schema Markup to the product detail pages on their e-commerce site using the Schema App Highlighter tool.

One of the main complexities with Avid Technology’s product detail pages was its multi-pricing subscription plans. The Schema App Customer Success Manager simplified complex subscription pricing by using the lowPrice property so that the Product rich result would reflect the starting price of subscriptions.

Within 3 months of working with Schema App, most of Avid’s e-commerce product detail pages were achieving Product rich results on the search engine results page. As a result, Google was able to clearly understand the company’s pricing, which meant Avid’s product pages saw a 21% increase in clicks and a 19% increase in impressions from the previous quarter.

2. Content Recommendations & Best Practices

As the Avid Technology Digital Optimization team continues to rework the content on the company’s site, their Schema App Customer Success Manager equips them with content best practices.

Some of the best practices include ensuring all content is visible to users and key information that has to be included on the page to satisfy the required properties to achieve a Product rich result. By doing so, any new content created by the Avid team is automatically optimized to achieve a rich result.

By using the Schema App Highlighter to deploy their Schema Markup, any new content that follows a set of specific parameters would automatically have the right Schema Markup types and properties mapping to specific content elements on the page. The Schema App highlighter then generates the JSON-LD based on the content in those elements and deploys it for Google to read.

3. Training & Ongoing Support

The Schema App team also provides training to select Avid Technology team members to help them gain a better understanding of Schema Markup and how they can maximize the return from the company’s Schema App Subscription.

As they continue to develop their in-house team, they also know that they can always fall back on their Schema App Customer Success Manager for any complications that they are unable to solve.

Rich Results Achieved


Within a year of working with Schema App, Avid Technology’s e-commerce pages grew by 243% in clicks and 290% in impressions.

The company’s product pages also achieved a higher CTR when a Product rich result is achieved compared to when it isn’t achieved (with Product rich result = 6.2%, without Product rich result = 1.82%).

These results have also provided the Avid Digital Optimization Team with the justification needed to grow the SEO team. They were able to showcase Google’s preferences for new types of content like FAQ, as well as the importance of good content to provide search engines with greater clarity. 

“After working with Schema App, we are seeing more impressions on these product pages, which is fantastic. Google definitely understands our pages better and our rankings are also improving. When we achieve the review snippets, we also see the clicks and traffic to those pages increasing by at least 46%.”

Matthew Heeb, Director of Digital Optimization, Avid Technology

Matthew Heeb

Director of Digital Optimization

Avid Technology

See how Schema App can help your business leverage Schema Markup to stand out in search.

The post How AVID Technology Grew Clicks by 243% using Schema Markup appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

SAP Achieves Unprecedented Organic Search Results with Schema App Mon, 19 Dec 2022 20:30:40 +0000 The post SAP Achieves Unprecedented Organic Search Results with Schema App appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

SAP Logo

Customer Story

SAP Achieves Unprecedented Organic Search Results with Schema App

SAP is is a market leader in end-to-end enterprise application software, database, analytics, intelligent technologies, and experience management.

Growth in clicks from rich results

4 million
Pages optimized over 7 websites

As a global innovator, SAP wanted not only to drive up its traffic but also to become a market leader. The cloud software company knew that a digital content distribution strategy rooted in machine understanding would accelerate its success today and in the future. 

The vision was to engage their target audience through paid, organic, and voice search across any device and platform of choice while minimizing development costs and expediting time to market.


Errors in Existing Schema Markup

SAP’s websites had existing Schema Markup on many of the pages, but the quality of the Schema Markup was poor. Some pages had the wrong type, while others had multiple types with no indication of the primary type. These errors could potentially:

  • Confuse search engines about page content
  • Make the pages ineligible for rich results
  • Affect quality and volume of traffic to the sites

Finding the Right Schema Markup Solution

Adding Schema Markup to a webpage can be time-consuming and tricky.

SAP was looking for a scalable way to add Schema Markup to their page. They also wanted a Schema Markup solution that provided guidance on strategy, maintenance, success metrics and training for their entire website.


In search of a solution, SAP started its journey by testing different solutions. They ultimately found the Schema App solution to be the most mature solution, with the right tools in the toolkit to address any platform and template needs.

SAP partnered with Schema App to implement one of the first-ever global Schema Markup pilot projects on a B2B site.

Access to Schema Markup Expert

To start, Schema App removed all the incorrect Schema Markups on SAP’s sites. The Schema App Customer Success Team then developed a full Schema Markup strategy by identifying the appropriate Schema Markup for priority pages and identifying opportunities in SAP’s content. Once the strategy was finalized, it was time for deployment.

Tools that Enable Agility & Scale

The Schema App Highlighter was used to quickly deploy customized Schema Markup across SAP’s Answer Center by adding a single Javascript tag in Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM). The Schema App WordPress plugin was also used to optimize the articles on As a result, SAP was able to deploy Schema Markup to over 3 million pages in 2 days without having to write any code or effort from IT.

We started our journey by testing competing solutions. We found Schema App’s solution to be the most mature, with the right tools to address the needs of any platform and template. Schema App’s team has been equally impressive. They excel in their domain knowledge, speed and transparency, as well as their willingness to train, up-skill our staff and support us throughout our journey.

Alwin Zachariah, SAP

Alwin Zachariah

Senior Director, Global SEO


Standing Out in Search through Rich Results

SAP now stands out on the search engine results page through a wide variety of rich results. The FAQ and Q&A rich results represent 67% of impressions for the SAP domain.


SAP’s Answer center saw 160% growth in impressions and 150% growth in clicks for pages with rich results. Schema Markup and content migration together contributed to the growth in the search results.

Digitalist Magazine saw 41% growth in impressions and 28% growth in clicks for pages with rich results, as well as a 75.6% lift in organic traffic. SAP saw historical organic growth through their Schema Markup rollout work with Schema App.

Continued Success with Domain

SAP was thrilled by the results of the pilot Schema Markup project with the Schema App team and decided to continue working with Schema App on a site-wide Schema Markup rollout. SAP has since deployed custom Schema Markup to 6 of its web properties. 

In the three months leading up to December 9, 2019, SAP saw more than 400% growth in clicks from rich results from search engines to domain.

Our work with Schema App has delivered tangible results. In 2019, Schema App optimized more than 4 million pages over 7 websites, resulting in more than 400% net growth in rich results organic traffic. Schema App makes schema markup easy.

Kathy Visser-May

Vice President, Global Digital Marketing


See how Schema App can help your business leverage Schema Markup to stand out in search.

The post SAP Achieves Unprecedented Organic Search Results with Schema App appeared first on Schema App Solutions.
