Helpful Content Update Archives | Schema App Solutions End-to-End Schema Markup and Knowledge Graph Solution for Enterprise SEO Teams. Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:49:02 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Helpful Content Update Archives | Schema App Solutions 32 32 How to Optimize Your Content to Achieve Google’s Rich Results Tue, 14 Mar 2023 23:28:19 +0000 When a user conducts a Google search, they expect to be connected to websites that align with the intent of their inquiry. As such, Google’s algorithm examines the Structured Data Markup (also known as Schema Markup) of each domain to provide users with the best possible answers to their queries. By adding Structured Data to...

The post How to Optimize Your Content to Achieve Google’s Rich Results appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

When a user conducts a Google search, they expect to be connected to websites that align with the intent of their inquiry. As such, Google’s algorithm examines the Structured Data Markup (also known as Schema Markup) of each domain to provide users with the best possible answers to their queries.

By adding Structured Data to your web pages, search engines can better understand and contextualize the content on your page. This helps them provide more accurate results to a user’s query and also display your content as a rich result on the search engine results page (SERP), which can drive greater engagement to your site.

Join us as we examine how you can make your site stand out by simply adding Structured Data to your domains.

What Is a Rich Result?

A rich result (previously known as a rich snippet) is an enhanced search result that appears on the SERP. These enhanced search results have additional interactive or visual features and have been proven to drive and improve user engagement. Google’s rich results, in particular, can be displayed as a video, info card, carousel, among many other unique visuals.

Example of Recipe Rich Results

CAPREIT - Product rich result example

You can make your content eligible for a rich result by adding the appropriate Structured Data markup to your page. However, that doesn’t guarantee you’ll achieve that rich result for every search query. Depending on a user’s query, Google might decide that a regular blue link is better suited for the user than a rich result.

Once you’ve added the appropriate Structured Data to your web page, you can find out if your page is eligible for a rich result using Google’s rich results test tool. The tool will identify which rich results types were found on your page, and flag any errors you might have in your Structured Data. Certain types will also let you preview your page as a rich result on the SERP on both mobile and desktop devices.

What Does Your Content Have to Do with Achieving a Rich Result in Google Search?

Before you can take advantage of rich results to drive engagement, you must first build out your content library. The Structured Data associated with a page should describe its content. If your content is of poor quality or doesn’t abide by Google’s guidelines, resolving these issues should take precedence over Structured Data implementation.

Additionally, Google states that you should only markup content that is actually visible on your site. If your page does not contain the content that you’ve added to your Schema Markup, Google may not award you a rich result because it could be misleading to users.

For instance, let’s say that you add the phrase “cooking time” to the Schema Markup of a food product page but don’t actually have any content about cooking times or meal prep on that page. In such a scenario, Google will likely render you ineligible for the Recipe rich result.

Tips to Optimize Your Content for Rich Results on Google

Ensure your content satisfies the required Structured Data properties for your targeted rich results

To become eligible for a rich result, make sure your page has the content necessary to satisfy the required Structured Data properties for the type of rich results you are targeting.

Google has over 32 different types of rich results, each of which can be achieved by adding the right Structured Data properties to your web page and abiding by the content guidelines listed.

Let’s say you run a local business and want to achieve a rich result for your product or service.

To achieve a Product rich result, you would markup your product page with the Product Type. Google requires you to include the name property and at least one of the properties – review, offers, or aggregateRating – in your markup to be eligible for the Product rich result. Because you can only mark up the content that is visible on your page, you first need to verify whether you can satisfy the property requirements.

In this case, your product page needs to have:

To improve your eligibility for a rich result, you can also markup your page with the recommended properties that Google has listed for the rich results you are targeting.

For example, you can include positiveNotes and negativeNotes on your product page, and Google can use that information to generate a Pros and Cons section in your rich results. (Do keep in mind, though, that not all recommended Schema Markup properties will augment the rich result.)

pros and cons review snippet

Ensuring that your page includes the right content will certainly set you on the path toward achieving your targeted rich results. But if you want to make sure your Schema Markup boosts traffic, you should also cover the following:

Verify Your Content Follows Google’s Content Guidelines

Google has published extensive guidelines for content in general. However, most rich results also have their own unique set of content guidelines that you must adhere to.

Review snippet requirements, in particular, have become far more strict. According to Google’s latest guidelines, local businesses cannot engage in self-serving behaviour when targeting these snippets, such as aggregating rating Schema Markup for their own company.

FAQs and job postings are also tightly regulated. To achieve an FAQ rich result, you must ensure that the full text of the question and corresponding answer are visible on the page. Your job postings cannot be used to mislead or deceive others. Otherwise, Google will not display rich results for your postings, and you risk receiving a manual action.

We recommend familiarizing yourself with Google’s full guidelines for each type of rich result you want to achieve. However, there are a few general tips we can offer to help get you started:

Make Sure Your Structured Data Is a True Representation of Page Content 

Let’s stick with the previous FAQ page example.

In the past, websites could achieve a FAQ rich result by adding FAQPage Schema Markup to any page that resembled one, such as a page with headers and text following.

Today, your page needs to have a Question (not just a header) and an Answer to be eligible for an FAQ rich result. So make sure that your on-page content aligns with the Structured Data you apply to it.

Ensure Your Content Is of High Quality

In the early days of search engine optimization (SEO), brands could stuff their content with keywords and gain visibility via other black-hat SEO practices. However, Google caught on and has since adjusted its algorithm to ensure users are provided with helpful content.

Google’s new guidelines prioritize people-first content, which means that if you resort to keyword-stuffing or other unscrupulous tactics, your pages will not be eligible for rich results.

In Google’s most recent product review update, the company stated that it might use Structured Data to identify if something is actually a product review. While they don’t solely depend on it, adding Schema Markup to your products can help you get noticed and achieve rich results.

Focus on 1 Main Topic Per Page

Though it may be tempting to cram a few different topics onto a single page so that you can target lots of rich results categories, that is not a smart play.

Google recommends focusing on one main topic per page, as doing so will promote a better user experience. Additionally, focus on topics that involve your area of expertise. Doing so will help you convey your experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T).

Ensure Your Content Is Up to Date

As part of its efforts to provide users with relevant material, Google won’t display rich results for any expired, time-sensitive content. For example, you cannot achieve rich results for expired job postings.

If you set an expiration date on a post but haven’t filled that vacancy, update the application window. Once you update the expiration date, the posting will once again be eligible for rich results.

Get Your Content Ready to Achieve Google’s Rich Results

Adding Structured Data to your pages does not guarantee a rich result with Google. However, if you want your Schema Markup to be eligible for a rich result, make sure you have good quality content first and adhere to all of Google’s guidelines. Since Schema Markup and content go hand in hand, you must keep both up to date if you want to maintain your rich result eligibility.

At Schema App, we do more than just help our clients generate and deploy Schema Markup to their sites at scale. We provide our customers with content recommendations and equip their teams with best practices to create content that automatically qualifies for a rich result.

To see how we can help your organization leverage great content to execute an effective Schema Markup strategy and drive measurable results, contact Schema App today.

The post How to Optimize Your Content to Achieve Google’s Rich Results appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

August 2022 Rich Results Weather Report Update Mon, 29 Aug 2022 17:02:05 +0000 Rich result fluctuations are part of SEO, and it is crucial for you to monitor your structured data so that you can proactively manage and capitalize on these changes. This August, we’ve observed some ups and downs in rich results across our customers. Our data scientist, Iram Fatima, and our Customer Success Team keep a...

The post August 2022 Rich Results Weather Report Update appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

Rich result fluctuations are part of SEO, and it is crucial for you to monitor your structured data so that you can proactively manage and capitalize on these changes.

This August, we’ve observed some ups and downs in rich results across our customers. Our data scientist, Iram Fatima, and our Customer Success Team keep a close eye on the rich result performance across our customers so that we can dig into trends and explore opportunities for updating our strategy to capture more clicks and manage drops.

This month, we saw both ups and downs in several rich results including FAQ, Recipe and Video.

1. Decline in FAQ Rich Results

In the first half of August, 42% of our customers experienced a drop in clicks for their FAQ rich results across both mobile and desktop.

We first observed this decline with customers in the Healthcare industry. But we quickly saw customers across a wide range of industries with a similar downward trend on their FAQ rich results. We will be reviewing them weekly to see where the trend goes over time.

However, other fortunate SEOs have also reported seeing zero changes to their FAQ rich results.

2. Improvement in Recipe Rich Results

Thankfully, the weather in the Structured Data world isn’t always gloomy.

83% of our customers in the healthcare industry observed a huge spike in Impressions and Clicks from their Recipe rich results in the first two weeks of August. These customers saw clicks grow at an average of 1030%, and impressions grow at an average of 3513% in comparison to the last two weeks of July.

3. Improvement in Video Rich Results

In other good news, we’re seeing 58.46% of our customers recover in clicks or impressions for their video rich results on desktop since the sudden decline in June when we saw video rich result volatility.

Earlier in June, we saw 70% of customers drop in clicks and impressions for their video rich results on desktop. In July, that drop was synonymous with all our customers. We hypothesized that this drop resulted from Google’s core update in May, affecting how Videos were shown on the Search Engine Result Page.

Is this the result of Google’s adjustment period after the May core update? We’ll continue to watch and explore the SERP composition.

4. Helpful Content Update

Last but not least, Google released a blog this month regarding their upcoming ‘Helpful Content Update’ as part of a broad effort to show more unique, authentic information in the search results. The goal of this update is to ensure people see more original and useful content that was written by people with expertise on the subject.

Here are 3 main themes we’ve identified from this upcoming ‘Helpful Content Update’:

1. E-A-T will play a huge role in this update

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Since 2019, Google has confirmed that E-A-T has been an important part of their algorithms and page quality rating.

One of the key factors affecting E-A-T is the Author E-A-T. Google has suggested that content written or produced by (real) people who have historically written about the topic will see their articles improve in ranking.

For example: Medical advice articles with high E-A-T should be written or produced by medical professionals or organizations with appropriate medical accreditation and expertise. The content should also be updated on a regular basis to reflect the latest findings.

Tip: You can use Structured Data to define the person’s authority (including their degrees, affiliations, etc) and connect those author profiles and details to the articles you are publishing.

2. You can use Structured Data on your high-quality content to better articulate the details of a topic

Sites that rely on tactics like keyword stuffing and bot-generated content to drive traffic are considered to have a search engine-first focus. These sites seek to produce content that would allow the page to rank rather than producing helpful content that would satisfy the searcher’s needs.

Sites with a search engine-first focus will likely see a significant drop in ranking after the upcoming “Helpful content update” as Google starts classifying the content as unhelpful.

How can you communicate the quality of your content to a search engine? 

Earlier this year, Google shared in their Search Off the Record podcast episode “Structured data: What’s it all about”, that they use structured data to help search engines understand content uniqueness.

Deploying structured data to the high-quality content on your site will allow search engines to better understand your content and how it relates to other parts of your website, or products.

Interested in learning how you can use structured data to highlight the uniqueness and specificity of your content? 

Watch our CEO, Martha’s ‘SEO in 2022’ podcast with Majestic to learn how you can markup your content to stand out in search.

3. Focus your site on providing specific content that answers the question

Generic websites that write about a wide variety of topics may also find it tough to rank after this update. Google has stated that the update will reward sites that have E-A-T on the topic. Focusing your site on a specific topic can position your site as an authoritative figure on the subject matter.

Google’s focus on rewarding sites that answer questions and meet the searcher’s intent is not new.

We’ve seen the search results focus on specific topical pages. Over the last year, we’ve seen generic and not specific enough category pages perform poorly.

Tip: You can identify topics and questions that people are searching for through Google Search Console Keywords, which in turn allows you to offer better, satisfactory answers to your searcher.

If the questions revolve around a specific topic, that’s even better! The topic could be about your services, products, industry problems or more. You can compile these questions and create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on your topical page to allow that page to be eligible for an FAQ rich result.


We are excited to see Google evolving the way rich results are shown in various parts of the search experience.

In addition, they are also updating their documentation to make certain rich results more accessible. This August, Google updated the Article structured data guidelines to include all articles, not just AMP Articles, in the Top Stories Carousel. More on this next month.

These changes mean that you have to manage your structured data actively, monitor the results and be ready to capture new opportunities as they arise. This is what we love doing at Schema App. We look forward to sharing our findings and helping you stay on your toes so that you can continue to navigate and succeed in this world of structured data.

The post August 2022 Rich Results Weather Report Update appeared first on Schema App Solutions.
