Schema App JSON-LD Archives End-to-End Schema Markup and Knowledge Graph Solution for Enterprise SEO Teams. Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:50:16 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Schema App JSON-LD Archives 32 32 What is the Recommended Format for Schema Markup? Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:50:16 +0000 Schema Markup is a form of structured data that allows website owners to provide additional context and meaning to the content on their pages. It effectively communicates the purpose and relationships of different elements on your site to search engines. It’s crucial to express Schema Markup in a format accepted by major search engines to...

The post What is the Recommended Format for Schema Markup? appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

Schema Markup is a form of structured data that allows website owners to provide additional context and meaning to the content on their pages. It effectively communicates the purpose and relationships of different elements on your site to search engines.

It’s crucial to express Schema Markup in a format accepted by major search engines to take advantage of the vocabulary, become eligible for rich results, and accurately describe your website content.

Popular search platforms like Google and Bing recognize three primary formats for Schema Markup:

  1. Microdata
  2. RDFa
  3. JSON-LD

Implementing the appropriate format ensures that your structured data is accurately understood, enhancing your site’s visibility, aligning your content with more relevant search queries, and supporting rich result eligibility.

Understanding the Different Schema Markup Formats

Microdata, RDFa, and JSON-LD have unique features and implementation methods. Each of the three available formats has unique features and implementation methods. Let’s examine the pros and cons of each format to help you understand which format you should utilize for your website.

What is Microdata?

Microdata is an open-community HTML specification used to nest structured data within HTML content. Similar to RDFa, it utilizes HTML tag attributes to name the properties we want to present as structured data.

Microdata is typically implemented within the <body> element but can also be used in the <head> element.

<div itemscope itemtype="">
 <span itemprop="name">Schema App</span>
Contact Details:
 <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">
   <span itemprop="streetAddress">412 Laird Road</span>
   <span itemprop="postalCode">N1G 3X7</span>
   <span itemprop="addressLocality">Guelph</span>
   <span itemprop="addressRegion">Ontario</span>
   <span itemprop="addressCountry">Canada</span>
  Tel:<span itemprop="telephone">+1 855-444-8624</span>,
  E-mail: <span itemprop="email"></span>

Pros of Using Microdata Format for Schema Markup

1. Markup is Dynamic

The microdata is added as an attribute for individual HTML elements, so your markup will be updated dynamically if any content changes are made.

For example, consider a <div> element attributed to the “Organization” type. This <div> can contain properties like “name” and “address.” If you change the content within any of these elements, the markup will automatically update to reflect the latest content.

2. Easy to Implement

Microdata can be easily inserted into HTML, making it more straightforward for those without coding skills to implement the Schema Markup. Microdata is generally easier to understand and maintain than other formats like RDFa.

Cons of Using Microdata Format for Schema Markup

1. Less Suitable for Advanced Schema Markup

While microdata works well for basic Schema Markup, it can become more complicated when dealing with advanced Schema Markup involving many nested entities.

Consider the Product schema type, which requires HTML elements for various attributes like price, ratings, reviews, and return policies to be nested. If your product page only had an image and a price, you can easily use microdata to markup your page.

However, the complexity increases with additional elements such as FAQs located lower on the page, branding information in a separate section, and ratings and reviews in a separate tab. These extra layers make the implementation messy and difficult to manage.

2. Messy Implementation

Since microdata has to be applied to each individual element on the webpage, the markup can become cluttered and messy, especially for larger websites, where your code can become “bloated” very quickly.

3. Unsuitable for Larger Websites

Due to the potential for clutter and the limitations of complex schemas, microdata is generally better suited for smaller websites with simpler structured data requirements.

What is RDFa?

RDFa (Resource Description Framework in Attributes) is an HTML5 extension that supports linked data. It does this by introducing HTML tag attributes that correspond to the user-visible content you want to describe for search engines.

RDFa is considered a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) recommendation, meaning that it is a web standard. It can be used to chain structured data vocabularies together, which is especially useful if you want to add structured data that extends beyond the limits of

You can breathe a sigh of relief, however, as RDFa isn’t much different from Microdata. Similar to microdata, RDFa tags are incorporated with your webpage’s preexisting HTML code and are commonly used in both the <head> and <body> sections of an HTML page.

<div vocab="" typeof="Organization">
  <span property="name">Schema App</span>
Contact Details:
  <div property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
     <span property="streetAddress">412 Laird Road</span>
     <span property="postalCode">N1G 3X7</span>
     <span property="addressLocality">Guelph</span>
     <span property="addressRegion">Ontario</span>
     <span property="addressCountry">Canada</span>
  Tel:<span property="telephone">+1 855-444-8624</span>,
  E-mail: <span property="email"></span>

Pros of Using RDFa Format for Schema Markup

1. Flexibility

RDFa allows you to combine multiple vocabularies, making it more flexible than Microdata or JSON-LD for complex structured data requirements.

2. Widely Adopted Standard

Since RDFa is a standardized format recommended by the W3C, it ensures broad compatibility across various platforms, browsers, and search engines. This means that structured data marked up with RDFa will be more consistently interpreted and utilized by different web services.

3. Integrates with Existing HTML

Like Microdata, RDFa seamlessly integrates with your existing HTML code, making implementation easier.

Cons of Using RDFa Format for Schema Markup

1. Steep Learning Curve

RDFa has a steeper learning curve compared to Microdata or JSON-LD, as it requires a deeper understanding of linked data principles and vocabularies.

2. Messy implementation

Also similar to microdata, RDFa markup can become verbose and cluttered, especially for complex structured data implementations.

3. Limited Browser Support

While search engines support RDFa, some older browsers may have limited or no support for rendering RDFa markup.

Overall, RDFa offers a flexible and standards-compliant approach to structured data markup, but it may be more suitable for advanced use cases or when combining multiple vocabularies is necessary.

What is JSON-LD?

JSON-LD stands for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data. It is a method of encoding structured data using the JSON format, which is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for machines to parse and generate.

The key difference between RDFa, Microdata, and JSON-LD is their implementation method on a page. Both RDFa and Microdata are added as properties within the content itself. Conversely, JSON-LD is added independently, typically in the header or footer of the HTML.

This resolves the issue of messy and cluttered implementation associated with both RDFa and microdata.

<script type="application/ld+json">
   "@context": "",
   "@type": "Organization",
   "name": "Schema App",
   "address": {
      "@type": "PostalAddress",
      "addressLocality": "Guelph",
      "addressRegion": "Ontario",
      "addressCountry": "Canada",
      "postalCode": "N1G 3X7",
      "streetAddress": "412 Laird Rd",
   "email": "",
   "telephone": "+1 855-444-8624",

JSON-LD is also a W3C recommendation and Google’s recommended format for structured data due to its simplicity and readability for both machines and humans. It offers several advantages.

Pros of Using JSON-LD Format for Schema Markup

1. Easiest Format for Machines to Interpret

JSON-LD is designed to be easily parsed and understood by machines, making it an efficient and accessible format for structured data.

2. Easy to Implement and Update

JSON-LD can be read even when dynamically injected into the page’s contents via JavaScript code or embedded widgets. It can be used to describe all types of media on a website—videos, audio, images, and interactive content—not just what exists in HTML documents.

JSON-LD also exists as a single block of code embedded within HTML, so you are not restricted by the structure of the content you are marking up.

3. Ability to Handle Complex Schema Markup

JSON-LD supports the management of complex, nested structured data, making it ideal for advanced use cases. Unlike Microdata, JSON-LD is not restricted by the content and structure of the HTML, offering greater flexibility. For instance, the ratings and reviews for a product can be positioned anywhere on the product page. With JSON-LD, you can easily nest the properties and values in the structured data regardless of where the content is placed in the HTML.

Cons of Using JSON-LD Format for Schema Markup

1. Learning Curve

JSON-LD can be difficult to learn and write manually, especially for those without prior experience with JSON or linked data concepts.

2. Technical Complexity

Implementing JSON-LD may require a higher level of technical expertise compared to Microdata or RDFa.

3. Update to Schema Markup Required If Done Manually

If you author the JSON-LD manually, you’ll need to update the JSON-LD code whenever you make content updates, as it’s separate from the main content.

This is why our customers love using the Schema App Highlighter, a scalable Schema Markup tool that generates and deploys JSON-LD Schema Markup to thousands of similarly templated pages on your site.

The Schema App Highlighter dynamically updates the Schema Markup on your page when content changes are made. This ensures that all content changes are automatically reflected in your JSON-LD markup in real time. This prevents Schema Drift and reduces the risk of manual coding errors.

What Format Should I Use for Schema Markup?

While Microdata, RDFa, and JSON-LD are all accepted formats for Schema Markup, JSON-LD emerges as our recommended choice. This is due to its flexibility and scalability for complex structured data implementations.

Despite its steeper learning curve and technical expertise requirements, JSON-LD is the format also endorsed by Google and other major search engines for its ease of readability for both machines and humans.

At Schema App, we understand the challenges of implementing JSON-LD at scale. This is why we created tools like the Schema App Highlighter to enable SEO teams to generate and deploy dynamic JSON-LD markup at scale.

With our end-to-end Schema Markup solution, we can help your team deploy robust Schema Markup to your site seamlessly, ensuring optimal search engine understanding and accurate representation of your brand in search results.

Get started with us today and unlock the full potential of JSON-LD Schema Markup for your organization.

The post What is the Recommended Format for Schema Markup? appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

The Anatomy of a Content Knowledge Graph Wed, 07 Feb 2024 03:17:32 +0000 What is a Knowledge Graph? A knowledge graph is a structured representation of knowledge that describes entities and the relationships between them. Knowledge graphs are a part of “knowledge representation“, a field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that deals with presenting data in a way that enables machines to engage in reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, and inferencing....

The post The Anatomy of a Content Knowledge Graph appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

What is a Knowledge Graph?

A knowledge graph is a structured representation of knowledge that describes entities and the relationships between them.

Knowledge graphs are a part of “knowledge representation“, a field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that deals with presenting data in a way that enables machines to engage in reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, and inferencing.

The versatility of knowledge graphs extends across various domains, with use cases that include:

Knowledge graphs empower machines to extract meaningful knowledge from data by presenting information in a machine-readable format.

But did you know you can also create a “content” knowledge graph that is particularly useful for SEO initiatives? Although structured like a general knowledge graph, a content knowledge graph functions as a representation of the content on your website.

This graph can be published externally for search engines to consume, be employed for internal AI projects, or be used to identify content gaps.

Moreover, these graphs establish a robust foundation for developing more extensive marketing knowledge graphs if you have additional data sources you’d like to bring into the fold.

But before we get into that, this article will explore the basic components of a knowledge graph to enable you to develop your own content knowledge graph using the content on your website.

Anatomy of a Content Knowledge Graph

At its simplest form, a knowledge graph fundamentally consists of nodes and edges.

Image showing nodes being connected by the edges

Nodes represent entities within a knowledge graph, and edges interconnect these nodes, delineating the relationships between them.

To fully understand how a knowledge graph works, it’s important to know the technologies required to build them.

Our focus in this section is to guide you through the key terminology and functions that are critical to the development of a robust content knowledge graph.

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)

In the realm of knowledge graphs, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) plays a crucial role in uniquely identifying entities. A URI is a distinctive string of characters designed to distinguish and disambiguate a specific resource on the web.

unique resource identifier (URI)

Similar to license plates on cars that enable individual identification despite many people sharing the same make and model, URIs serve a similar function by ensuring the unique identification of various resources amidst the vast expanse of the internet.

At Schema App, we generate HTTPS URIs for entities defined in your Schema Markup, as shown in the image below. These URIs appear in the @id attribute. They allow you to link the entities on your site within your markup and enable search engines to identify the entities in your knowledge graph.

example of a HTTPs URI in schema markup

This systematic identification enables efficient communication and access to resources across different platforms and technologies. Within the context of a knowledge graph, URIs represent entities.


An entity, as defined by Google, denotes a single, unique, well-defined, and distinguishable thing or idea. It possesses defining characteristics or attributes such as size, color, and duration. However, an entity’s true significance emerges when it is described in relation to other entities, giving it contextual meaning.

This is where RDF Triples play a pivotal role, providing the framework to represent these interconnected relationships between entities within a knowledge graph. But first, what is RDF?


RDF, which stands for Resource Description Framework, is a standardized method for expressing data in the form of a directed graph using subject-predicate-object statements, commonly referred to as “triples.”

RDF Triples

The foundational unit of a knowledge graph is the triple. It comprises two nodes that represent entities connected by a single edge to articulate their relationship. Represented as “subject-predicate-object” statements, a triple illustrates how an entity (subject) links to another entity or a simple value (object) through a specific property (predicate).

Image of an RDF Triple

As these triples combine, they form interconnected graphs of resources, laying the groundwork for a comprehensive knowledge graph. However, to provide meaning to the machine, you must express these triples in a machine-readable format.

You can express RDF triples in a variety of formats, including:

  • Turtle
  • And JSON-LD

The most widely adopted format is JSON-LD, which we utilize here at Schema App.


JSON-LD, or JSON for Linked Data, is a serialization format for expressing RDF triples. It is relatively easy for humans to read and write and also for machines to consume. It is also the preferred Schema Markup format for search engines like Google.

JSON-LD code allows machines to understand RDF statements about entities.

For example, Mark van Berkel is an author for the Schema App blog, and his author page states that he works for the organization Schema App. On the left is the Schema Markup expressed in JSON-LD telling machines that Mark van Berkel (Person) works for Schema App (Organization). On the right is this same code visualized as an RDF triple, depicting these same entities and illustrating the relationships between them.

Image of JSON-LD code on the left and RDF triple equivalent on the right


The last component in a knowledge graph is an ontology.

In Information Science, an ontology is a “formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization,” essentially serving as a blueprint for defining what exists in a data model (i.e. the method for describing contents within a database).

This model typically encompasses three key elements.

First, we have classes, also known as types, representing categories of entities such as an organization, event, or person.

Secondly, attributes, aka properties, are used to describe an entity. For instance, a Person entity might possess a name as one of its attributes.

Lastly, relationships, which are also represented by properties, delineate how one entity connects to another. These are similar to attributes in that they describe an entity, but more specifically, they describe how one entity connects to another entity.

For example, a Person may have a parent, child, or colleague relationship with another Person who will have their own attributes.

A wide variety of ontologies, vocabularies, and glossaries exist for categorizing and relating data, with standing out as one of the most widely used in SEO. While technically a vocabulary and not a strict ontology, effectively fulfills the role of describing categories of things and the relationships between them.

Building a Content Knowledge Graph with

Founded in 2011 by Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex, emerged as a collaborative effort to enhance the web by introducing a standardized vocabulary. This initiative aimed to transform human language into a structured, machine-readable language.

All major search engines would support this language, improving their ability to match search queries with relevant results, making it beneficial for SEO purposes.

While SEO strategies commonly employ, its utility extends beyond; it can also serve as a robust tool for constructing a knowledge graph.

Leveraging the vocabulary allows you to organize your website content into a graph of interconnected entities. To achieve this, you can utilize the types and properties defined by to express RDF triples in a machine-readable format like JSON-LD, all while representing your entities with URIs.

See how all of these terms come together?

This amalgamation of elements effectively creates a content knowledge graph for your organization.

Image of json-ld on the left and an RDF knowledge graph on the right

Construct a Content Knowledge Graph for Your Organization

Developing your own content knowledge graph is essential for optimizing your semantic SEO strategy. It readies your content for the future of search and drives higher-quality traffic to your site.

Knowledge graphs empower search engines to infer knowledge through additional contextual information, bridging gaps for more relevant results. As such, this deeper comprehension should drive more qualified traffic to your site and boost the CTR for relevant pages.

At Schema App, we specialize in building and managing content knowledge graphs through the use of Schema Markup. Our dynamic authoring solutions ensure your Schema Markup is always descriptive, interconnected, and up-to-date.

Whether you’re integrating Schema Markup into your SEO strategy or aspiring to transform your content into a reusable data layer, Schema App has you covered.

Interested in building a content knowledge graph for your own organization but aren’t sure where to start? Schema App handles the technical aspects, enabling you to reap the benefits of having a well-constructed content knowledge graph without imposing the technical burden on your internal teams.

Contact our team today to get started.

The post The Anatomy of a Content Knowledge Graph appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

8 Benefits of Schema Markup and Why It’s Important for SEO Wed, 22 Feb 2023 07:43:16 +0000 Do you feel like your business gets lost on Google’s search engine results page (SERPs) even though you’ve invested heavily in search engine optimization (SEO)? If so, consider elevating your SEO strategy by leveraging Schema Markup. Schema Markup, also known as Structured Data, is a standardized vocabulary that helps search engines like Google understand the...

The post 8 Benefits of Schema Markup and Why It’s Important for SEO appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

Do you feel like your business gets lost on Google’s search engine results page (SERPs) even though you’ve invested heavily in search engine optimization (SEO)? If so, consider elevating your SEO strategy by leveraging Schema Markup.

Schema Markup, also known as Structured Data, is a standardized vocabulary that helps search engines like Google understand the information on your web pages.

What are the Benefits of Schema Markup?

When your pages contain Schema Markup, it allows search engines and AI powered machines to gain a deep, semantic understanding of your website content, which offers a host of SEO related benefits for your business.

Schema Markup also enables search engines to display your content as a rich result under certain circumstances. These rich results are displayed prominently on the SERP and include extra information about a page, like ratings and reviews of local businesses.

Example of a Review Snippet

However, as rich results come and go, the one thing that remains consistent is the semantic value of Schema Markup.

Here are some of the top benefits of Schema Markup.

1. Help Search Engines Better Understand Your Content

Humans are great at inferring the meaning of online content. Google, on the other hand, has to teach its tech to understand your content using machine learning.

That’s why search engines need extra help interpreting the meaning and intent of your site content. You can assist them by adding semantic Schema Markup to your web pages.

Schema Markup is a standardized vocabulary developed by Google, Yandex, Yahoo, and Bing. As such, these search engines can easily interpret the Structured Data on your page, allowing the algorithms to present users with content that better aligns with their search intent. It also helps search engines be more efficient because their machine learning and algorithms are built to understand Schema Markup.

2. Build a Knowledge Graph and Re-Use It Within Your Organization

At Schema App, we do more than just generate Schema Markup. We utilize our semantic technologies to generate connected Schema Markup to build a reusable marketing knowledge graph. This knowledge graph can then be used to inform search engines or train your LLMs using structured information about your business.

When you implement connected Schema Markup, you are defining the objects in your content as individual entities with their own properties and relationships to other entities. Once defined, these entities can be connected with the people, places, things and concepts that other authorities have described like Wikipedia, Wikidata, and Google’s Knowledge Graph. Your Schema markup can even enhance your Google Knowledge Panel in search.

Building a knowledge graph using Schema Markup enables search engines to better understand the connections between your content, your organization, and other entities on the web. Search engines can use this information to infer new knowledge with greater context and accuracy.

At Schema App, we implement semantic Schema Markup and entity linking to assist customers in developing their knowledge graph. This knowledge graph enables search engines to effectively match your page with user search queries, driving higher qualified traffic and boosting click-through rates.

3. Be AI-Search Ready

Search engines are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence (AI) to provide users with more relevant answers to their queries. By implementing Schema Markup, you can enhance search engines’ understanding of your content. This, in turn, enables them to accurately match your content with your target audience, ensuring a more precise and effective user experience.

In Google’s podcast titled, “Structured Data, What’s it all about?”, Ryan Levering shared how machine learning and structured data go hand in hand. When you take into consideration that machine learning is the building block for AI, an action you can take to prepare for more AI in search (such as Bard and ChatGPT) is to adopt structured data to inform the machine learning about your content and have it be fully understood.

By using semantic Schema Markup to develop your knowledge graph, AI can tap into this resource and be grounded in more context. This provides them with a richer understanding of your brand and its associated entities.

By developing your knowledge graph, you are creating AI search-ready content.

4. Control How Your Brand Appears in Search

Adding Schema Markup to your web pages lets you exercise greater control over your brand’s appearance in search, empowering you to shape and manage your brand image. One of the key advantages of implementing Schema Markup lies in its capacity to establish a robust control point within your Knowledge Graph, by enabling you to communicate essential information about your organization and entities directly to AI search engines.

Without structured data, search engines rely on algorithms to infer details about your business, which can lead to inaccuracies and misunderstandings. However, with Schema Markup, you take the reins, grounding and informing the AI systems with precise, structured data. By doing so, you mitigate the risk of search engine “hallucinations” – where the algorithms misinterpret or misrepresent your brand.

Imagine your website displays two prices for the same product: one for members and another for non-members. Left unchecked, AI search engines might not recognize the difference, potentially displaying incorrect information in the SERP.

This lack of differentiation can severely impact the trustworthiness and clarity of your brand. However, by clearly indicating which pricing you want displayed using Schema Markup, you can accurately communicate these distinctions, guiding search engines to present the correct pricing information to the users.

Schema Markup is your safeguard against such discrepancies, ensuring your brand and products are accurately represented and preventing any potential confusion for users.

5. Help You Stand Out in Search With Rich Results

When Google understands your Schema Markup, it can use this data to show your content as a rich result (also known as rich snippets) on the SERP.

A standard search result will deliver a title, URL, and meta description. However, rich results include captivating images that draw users’ eyes to your search result and web page.

Before - After Schema Markup - FAQ Rich Result

In total, Google has more than 32 different types of rich results. You can classify your content as local business content, recipes, articles, event pages, and more. If you’re promoting an event, you can improve its visibility by adding Event Structured Data, making your page eligible to appear in the event experience section on Google.

Once you add Schema Markup to your page, you can use Google’s rich results test to see which rich result your page is eligible for. We also suggest using the Schema Markup Validator on to detect any mistakes in your Structured Data.

If you want to ensure that your Schema Markup efforts align with your overall branding strategy, here are some examples of rich results you can consider using.

Review Snippets

Review snippets provide prospective customers with reviews and ratings from your past customers and help improve your brand’s credibility in search results.

Example of a Review Snippet


Product rich results reveal sought-after details like pricing, availability, etc. You can generate more leads and increase interest in your product offerings by providing consumers with this information on the SERP. Beyond the fundamentals, you can also expand your Product rich result to include price drops, ratings, reviews, shipping details and more.

Example of Keen's Product Rich Result with Review Snippet

6. Drive Business Results

Schema Markup is an SEO strategy that can provide your company with measurable results and a strong return on investment.

You can use tools like Google Search Console and Schema Performance Analytics to closely monitor how your newly marked-up pages are performing.

When implemented strategically, Schema Markup can:

  • Help ensure that your content appears in search results for highly relevant queries. This means that the traffic you receive is more likely to be interested in your products or services, which leads to increased CTR and an overall higher likelihood of conversion and engagement.
  • Make your search results more appealing and informative to users, leading to higher CTR. Rich results can provide users with additional information about your content, such as star ratings, prices, and product availability, making them more likely to click your link.
  • Be particularly beneficial for local businesses. By marking up local business information, you can improve your visibility in local search results and map listings, driving foot traffic to your physical locations.

Achieving robust results with Schema Markup isn’t unusual. At Schema App, we’ve seen customers across a wide range of industries achieve great results with this SEO strategy.

For instance, SAP saw a 400% growth in clicks from rich results after working with our team, and Sharp Healthcare enjoyed an 843% increase in clicks in just nine months.

As more businesses recognize the benefits of Schema Markup, implementing it can give you a competitive edge. Your content will stand out in search results and provide a more comprehensive, informative, and trustworthy experience to users.

7. Attract Job Applicants

You can incorporate Schema Markup into job postings to help attract quality talent. By applying Structured Data to your job listing pages, your job posting will be eligible for display among Google’s job search experience results.

Baptist health job listings rich results

Top listings are displayed at the top of the SERP. If your listings make the cut, they’ll feature reviews, ratings from past employees, job details, and your company logo.

8. Improve Your Content Strategy

Chances are that you’re already investing heavily in creating SEO content, optimizing it for priority keywords, and engaging in other on-page SEO tactics to rank higher on the SERP. Unfortunately, your competitors are likely doing the same.

Fortunately, you can beat the competition and inform your content strategy by utilizing Schema Markup. Thinking about your content from the perspective of the rich results you want to achieve can help to generate ideas for new content or existing content. If you want your page to be eligible for a Review Snippet, you can improve your content by adding customer reviews and ratings on your site.

Start by looking at Google’s Structured Data Guidelines, then generate the required Schema Markup using Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper or our Schema App Editor. Once you’ve generated the markup, you can add the Schema Markup to your pages so your content can stand out as a rich result.

You can go one step further to create connected Schema Markup by linking the topic covered in your content to the Wikipedia or Wikidata page for the specific topic within your Schema Markup.

Read our step-by-step guide to learn how to develop a Schema Markup strategy for your website.

Start implementing Schema Markup today

The benefits of Schema Markup are undeniable.

When you add Schema Markup to your website, you’ll help search engines understand your content and make your pages more visible in organic search. In turn, you’ll increase your click-through rates and generate more organic traffic for your web pages.

Any business with an online presence can generate measurable results using Structured Data. However, to tap into the full potential of Schema Markup and stand out online, you must build, manage and optimize it as part of your ongoing site strategy. Otherwise, you’ll encounter issues like Schema Drift which hinder your ability to achieve rich results.

The good news is you can streamline the implementation and management of your Schema Markup by working with Schema App. We work with enterprise SEO teams to fully leverage the benefits of Schema Markup. Contact us today to learn more.

The post 8 Benefits of Schema Markup and Why It’s Important for SEO appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

Schema Markup SEO in 2023: What To Expect Fri, 09 Dec 2022 19:18:18 +0000 2022 was an eventful year in the world of Schema Markup and Rich Results. As Google continues to improve the search experience for users, we’ve seen volatility in rich result performance, changes in search appearances and new Structured Data properties for existing rich results. At Schema App, our Customer Success Team is constantly navigating and...

The post Schema Markup SEO in 2023: What To Expect appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

2022 was an eventful year in the world of Schema Markup and Rich Results. As Google continues to improve the search experience for users, we’ve seen volatility in rich result performance, changes in search appearances and new Structured Data properties for existing rich results.

At Schema App, our Customer Success Team is constantly navigating and pivoting through these changes to help our customers maintain and grow their visibility in search. As such, we’ve gathered some key insights from our team on their learnings from 2022 and what they expect to see for Schema Markup in 2023.

Insight #1. Google is investing a lot in Structured Data

In 2020, Google invested heavily in COVID-related Structured Data changes. In 2021, things were quieter and we saw fewer activities.

This year, Google introduced significant updates to their Structured Data documentation and 2023 is likely to maintain the same momentum.

Machine learning complements Structured Data

In April 2022, Google released an episode on their Search off the Record Podcast called “Structured Data: What’s it all about?”.

In the episode, Ryan Levering shared how Google uses Structured Data to complement their machine-learning work. Structured Data is currently provided by users to help Google understand the content on a page and improve the accuracy of its search results. Levering has emphasized that “it’s always good to empower people who are giving you data, to have control over that.” Rather than rendering Structured Data obsolete, machine learning will fill the information gaps or “enhance coverage of the feature” on Google search.

According to Levering, Google will also “…continue to flesh out the Structured Data usage in terms of adding more features and looking into more ways [they] can use it in cooler things that are not just visual treatments but actually help with more understanding on the page”. This is reflected in the changes we saw in 2022 and foreshadows what is to come in the new year.

Notable changes from Google in 2022

Changes in Video rich results

In June 2022, we observed a decrease in clicks and impressions for Video Rich Results on desktop. This trend was also noticed by other SEOs. At the same time, we noticed a change in how the Video Rich Results were being presented on the SERPs.

Video rich results performance dropped in April and recovered in June

Data provided by Schema App / Schema Performance Analytics

The Video Rich Results showing up on the ‘All’ search results page only featured Youtube videos. Upon clicking on these results, users would be directed to the video’s Youtube page rather than the site where the video was embedded. Learn more about the changes in Video rich results here.

Volatility in FAQ rich results

In April 2022, 65% of our clients experienced a drop in clicks on their FAQ rich results and saw their results recover again in May. This happened again in August 2022, only for the results to recover again in late October.

FAQ rich results performance drop in april, recovered in jun and dropped again in august.

Data provided by Schema App / Schema Performance Analytics

Despite the disruptiveness of these fluctuations, you should not “abandon certain rich result targeting should performance start to drop”, says Kevin Veilleux, a Customer Success Manager at Schema App.

“As we saw with Videos and FAQ, there’s value in staying the course”.

Major developments in Product search results

This past year, Google also made waves in Product search. Google is enabling more Products to be shown on the SERP, which comes as no surprise as their competition with Amazon heats up in the eCommerce space.

Expanding eligibility for Merchant Listing Experiences with Product Structured Data

In September 2022, Google announced that businesses can now be eligible for Merchant Listing Experiences by adding Product Structured Data to their web pages. At the same time, they added more recommended Product Structured Data properties such as colours, size, and material for merchant listings.

New Merchant Listings report on Google Search Console

On top of expanding the eligibility for Merchant Listing Experiences with Product Structured Data, Google also introduced a new Merchant Listing Report on GSC. This new report will help merchants identify Structured Data errors, warnings and valid pages for free listing experiences in search.

New Pros and Cons enhancement for editorial Product review pages

Product reviews are a helpful resource in the buyer journey and Google added a new ‘Pros and Cons’ enhancement to the product review snippets. Businesses can add Pros and Cons Structured Data on their pages with product reviews to be eligible for this new enhancement.

2022 was a busy year for Structured Data and we see this as a signal of its growing importance in Google’s search environment. What does this mean for SEO teams in 2023? It means, it’s time for SEO teams to start prioritizing Structured Data as part of their SEO strategy.

Insight #2. Invest in your SEO Structured Data strategy as soon as possible to stay ahead of the competition

According to research by the HTTP Archive, the usage of Structured Data has increased in 2022, in comparison to 2021. Of the websites they surveyed, they found that the use of JSON-LD on homepages increased from 34% in 2021 to 37% in 2022 on mobile devices. This upward trend of Structured Data usage reflects the growing popularity of Structured Data as an SEO strategy, and we predict this trend to continue in 2023.

The HTTP Archive’s research also showed that WebSite, Organization and Local Business were three of the most used types in 2022. Even though more sites are implementing Structured Data, many of them are implementing it on a basic level.Top types used in 2022 from HTTP ArchiveImage by HTTP Archive

Google has over 32 rich result opportunities and there are many other types of Structured Data that have yet to be utilized en masse. There is no better time to invest in a more complex Structured Data strategy to stay ahead of this growing trend.

At Schema App, we’ve seen other types and their Rich Results like FAQPage, Product, and Reviews performing well for our customers.

You can also opt for other eye-catching interactive rich results like Aggregate Ratings, HowTo and Video. These untapped opportunities could help your organization stand out in search against your competitors and drive click-through rates and conversions on your site. 

How to get started with a Schema Markup strategy

Before you start, you have to set a goal for what you want to achieve and the metrics you want to move. If you want to drive clicks, impressions or CTR for pages that are essential to your business, Schema Markup can help.

  1. Identify the key pages on your site that you want to target with rich results. (i.e. your location pages, product pages, physician pages, etc.) You might want to start by testing out a few pages for a specific rich result.
  2. Check if the content on your page fulfills Google’s required Structured Data properties for the targeted rich result. If it does not, review Google’s required Structured Data properties and add the required content to make your page eligible for the targeted rich result.
  3. Once you have the required content on your page, apply Schema Markup to make your page eligible for the targeted rich result. You can add Schema Markup to individual unique pages using our Editor tool, or at a larger scale using our Highlighter tool.
  4. After applying the Schema Markup to your page, test your results to ensure the markup is eligible using Google’s Rich Results test tool.
  5. To measure the results, use Google Search Console or Schema App’s Schema Performance Analytics tool to compare the performance of your optimized pages to the rest of your site, or compare the performance of the optimized pages before and after the implementation of Schema Markup to see how it has contributed to your desired outcome.

💡 Learn how to develop a Schema Markup strategy for your website here.

Insight #3. Diversify your Schema Markup strategy

As we saw in 2022, there can be a lot of volatility around Google’s rich results. In June, we saw Video rich results on desktop disappear for many of our customers, causing a change in site traffic. In August, we saw FAQ rich results settling to new levels following the Helpful Content Update.

We expect Google to continue experimenting/changing/introducing new things in 2023, which necessitates the need for more diverse content for rich result targeting,” says Veilleux.

Organizations that have more diversity in their rich results are less impacted when an algorithm change targets a specific type of rich result. Here’s how you can start diversifying your Schema Markup strategy.

1. Monitor your rich results on Google Search Console

To start, you need to know which rich results you are currently achieving. Most of this information is available on Google Search Console, or through Schema Performance Analytics for Schema App enterprise customers.

Once you know which rich results you are currently achieving, explore Google’s search gallery to see other rich results your content could be eligible for.

2. Maintain thorough markup

Google’s required and recommended Structured Data properties only make up a small percentage of the properties available for types.

At Schema App, one of our best practices is to markup page content with all the relevant properties available through, not just what Google has listed as required or recommended. By ensuring markup is as descriptive as possible, Schema App supports semantic SEO beyond attaining rich result eligibility.

This year, when authoring the Schema Markup for our customer’s Product pages, we marked up their images even though it wasn’t a required property for Product rich results. Shortly after, Google expanded the eligibility for Merchant Listing Experiences with Product Structured Data and image was a required property for it. As a result, our customer was instantly eligible for Merchant Listing rich results.

By marking up as many properties as you can, you are optimizing all eligible content on your page to maximize your opportunities for rich results both now and in the future.

Insight #4. Content and Structured Data go hand in hand

SEO is a team sport and results happen when you work together. Schema Markup strategy can be challenging for SEO teams when they’re siloed off from content and unable to make additions or updates.

For your Schema Markup strategy to succeed, your content needs to:

  1. Match the intent of search queries, and
  2. Align with Google’s required and recommended Structured Data properties for your targeted type.

Content must match the intent of the searcher

The quality of your content is a key factor to a successful Schema Markup strategy. With Google’s recent Helpful Content Update, we see Google drilling down into the quality of the content. If your content does not meet the needs of the searcher, Google will not award you with a rich result.

We saw this firsthand after Google’s rolled out the Helpful Content Update in August. After the update, content previously receiving FAQ rich results lost the feature because the “questions” were actually statements or headings that did not match user queries.

Align your content with the Structured Data requirements 

Content is at the core of your Schema Markup strategy. Letting your content team know what content needs to be on a page for your SEO team to mark up is the best way to ensure alignment. That way, every piece of content produced is more likely to drive clicks and conversions.

How to align content with Structured Data

1. Make sure your content team knows Google’s content requirements for rich result eligibility

If your content team is looking to drive more traffic to Blog posts, make sure they know what Google’s required and recommended properties are. They should also keep these required and recommended properties in mind when creating other types of new content on an ongoing basis.

2. Use Google’s rich result documentation as a guideline for what constitutes “high-quality content”.

“The required and recommended properties are a “cheat guide” for what might be important and relevant to end users AND Google’s algorithm,” says Ruby Ross, Customer Success Manager at Schema App.

When developing new content, looking at Google’s required and recommended properties can give you a good idea of what Google has decided is important for users to know, and align your content with that.

Insight #5. Experiment with Structured Data

Google is constantly experimenting and updating its algorithms to best meet the searcher’s needs. This year, we saw many updates to the SERP and Google’s Structured Data documentation. These changes reaffirm that you shouldn’t take a set-in-and-forget-it approach to Structured Data on your site (read our article on schema drift). You have to be ready to deploy the necessary changes when Google makes an update.

Our Highlighter tool’s dynamic deployment enables our customers to easily apply markup changes at scale within minutes to keep up with Google’s changes. It also means you can easily experiment with new types of Schema Markup and properties at scale.

Experimenting with new types of rich results can help your organization diversify and proactively adapt to Google’s changes. At Schema App, our Customer Success Team runs experiments with our customers every quarter. The experiments vary based on our customers’ desired outcomes and strategies.

Examples of the experiments include:

  • Experimenting with different rich results on the same page set to see which rich result performs better
  • Experimenting with adding rich result-eligible content to drive traffic to high-priority pages (i.e. FAQs for BlogPosts)
  • Experimenting with different properties for a single rich result (e.g. Pros and Cons, or lowPrice vs. highPrice for Product)

These experiments help our customers uncover opportunities, diversify their rich results, and optimize their Schema Markup strategy to maximize their results.

Insight #6. Schema Markup is a safe bet during a recession

The recession is looming over many marketing teams as we wade through tighter cash flows and smaller budgets for the new year. However, maintaining market share and keeping up with the competition is more important than ever.

Measurable ROI

In times like these, marketing teams should invest in strategies that have a measurable return on investment. Schema Markup is one of them.

When you add Schema Markup to your pages and achieve rich results, you’ll want to see the clicks and impressions that you’ve achieved specifically from the URLs that are getting these rich results.

We created the Schema Performance Analytics (SPA) tool with this in mind. With the SPA Page Level Report, users can see the performance of URLs with Schema Markup and calculate if the increase in traffic drives more revenue for their business.

As Schema Markup becomes a growing trend, there has never been a better time to experiment and invest in this strategy. You can justify the investment by starting small and measuring its impact on your business results.

Point of Differentiation

Implementing a Schema Markup strategy for your site also serves as a point of differentiation if you operate in a competitive industry.

Based on an analysis across our entire customer set, pages with markup from Schema App have a 40% higher click-through rate than pages without. The click-through rate for pages achieving rich results is notably higher than those without. In 2022, we also saw the click-through rate for pages with FAQ, Videos, and Q&A rich results performing exceptionally well.

If your competitors aren’t using Schema Markup, your brand and pages can stand out on the SERP and get more traffic onto your site. Investing and experimenting with Structured Data at a time when teams are more risk-averse can help your organization gain greater visibility on the SERP and beat the competition.


Needless to say, our Schema App team has learned a lot from 2022. As we enter 2023 with uncertain economic conditions, understanding what is working, what is delivering value and what you can scale is vital.

Schema Markup is a scalable SEO strategy that delivers measurable results and returns. If you haven’t invested in Schema Markup, 2023 is a good time to start. If you have budgetary constraints, you can always start small and expand when you see results. Your SEO and content teams should also be working cross-functionally to ensure every piece of content you invest in aligns with the Structured Data best practices to maximize clicks.

If you are looking to start or take your Schema Markup strategy to the next level, we can help! Get in touch with our team today to learn more about our scalable end-to-end Schema Markup solution.

The post Schema Markup SEO in 2023: What To Expect appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

How to be an SEO Trailblazer with Structured Data Tue, 11 Jan 2022 15:30:08 +0000 Learn how to take your schema markup to the next level and become an SEO trailblazer like Lindsay Malzone from Excel Impact. Not only does she share with you how to get started, but she will also share how to scale your schema markup—all while staying ahead of your competitors by looking beyond industry standards...

The post How to be an SEO Trailblazer with Structured Data appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

Learn how to take your schema markup to the next level and become an SEO trailblazer like Lindsay Malzone from Excel Impact. Not only does she share with you how to get started, but she will also share how to scale your schema markup—all while staying ahead of your competitors by looking beyond industry standards to more advanced structured data strategies.


If you are about to get started, you may be asking,

Where do I start?”

For Excel Impact’s Lindsay Malzone, she knew structured data was important because Google thinks it’s important:

Lindsay Malzone—Biggest Reasons for Implementing Schema

For Lindsay, the challenge was figuring out how to implement structured data across all web pages of her site while incorporating rich result opportunities into her team’s content strategy. Depending on the type of content, different schemas should be used for different enhanced search features called rich results. Now, you may be asking:

What is a rich result?

This is a rich result. The additional information of pricing and availability comes from the structured data added to your website for this content.

Sharp Healthcare Physician Rich Result

You need relevant content marked up with all required and recommended properties to qualify for rich result eligibility. Through these enhanced search features, you can show more information about the products or services you offer through frequently asked questions (FAQs), how-tos, pricing, reviews and star ratings, and more.

Taking her Schema Markup to the Next Level

We asked Lindsay what took her to the next level of understanding as she journeyed in schema markup, to go beyond just basic markup:

Following the trends and what’s going on in the SEO space, as well as our own industry space and tracking the competitors — figuring out what they’re doing and seeing if they’re ahead of you, or behind you, or if they’re catching up to you.”

To stay ahead of the competition, you need to keep an eye on what others in the industry are doing to stand out. By going beyond the most commonly used schema to implementing more complex and unique schema markup, you can discover new ways to connect with your customers through engaging content and interactive search features, like this FAQ rich result:

Slack FAQ Rich Result

To keep a competitive advantage, Lindsay realized that her team needed to do even more. She wanted to dig into more advanced levels of SEO complexity to beat her competition. After playing with a couple other tools or plug-ins, she found that most weren’t up to speed with everything she needed for a more advanced schema markup strategy.

Figuring out how to organize sets of pages, group them together, and distribute different types of schema manually—Lindsay knew that doing this in-house would be a big ask of her SEO and development teams to create JSON-LD (Google’s preferred structured data format ) by hand:

I realized that it was going to give me carpal tunnel!”

Whether it’s a set of 5 or 500 pages, you need to figure out what types of schema you can implement on them and keep it organized and consistent. That way, you’ll be able to scale your structured data through templated pages and dynamic tools like the Schema App Highlighter.

The key to successful structured data is organization. You want to organize different types of content and keep your schema markup consistent. By doing so, when it’s time to scale your strategy or when Google introduces updates, you’re already prepared to deploy new recommendations to groups of content at scale that are currently on your site.

Lindsay Malzone—Page Architecture

Schema Markup is a Learning Journey

We like to think of schema markup as a journey—from strategy to results.

A graphic illustrating the continuous cycle of schema markup. Starting from strategy, and moving clockwise in a circle to authoring, deployment, maintenance, reporting & analytics, and back to strategy.

Start with strategy—what is the unique value proposition you want to communicate to your customers in search? Use these values as well as rich result opportunities to inform your content strategy. By doing so, you can maximize your results from structured data. Schema markup is an iterative process; you are always learning and growing on your schema markup journey.

For Lindsay, working with other SEO experts is where she learns the most. Working with Schema App, she was able to have a dedicated team focused on this advanced area of SEO for her company. Meetings with her Customer Success Manager were an opportunity to share new ideas, discuss updates from Google, and celebrate wins together.

Being able to have an internal, dedicated team to help stay on top of everything and stay informed on what other experts are saying isn’t always an option. This is especially true for more agile organizations that may not necessarily have an entire team dedicated to SEO.

That’s why Schema App focuses on empowering our customers with scalability and agility through our expert tools and support. We work with you to develop a customized schema markup strategy aligned with your return on investment goals.

Through expert recommendations, we help your SEO team learn how to use structured data opportunities to inform their content strategy in order to maximize results.

Lindsay Malzone—Taking Schema Into Account

In her ten years of doing SEO, significant increases or decreases to website traffic were usually due to algorithm updates. The only other time she’s seen that happen is when she launched schema markup on her site. Beyond metrics, the visual change to your content in SERPs is very impactful in demonstrating the value of structured data.

Sharp Healthcare Physician Rich Result

Not only are you standing out from the competition through rich results you’ve achieved and commanding more virtual real estate on the first page of the SERPs, but you’re also presenting new, engaging opportunities for your customers to connect with your brand right in search. Don’t wait until it’s become the standard for your industry—stand out from the competition by doing it first!

Lindsay Malzone—Stay Ahead of the Competition

Are you ready to unleash the power of structured data?


The post How to be an SEO Trailblazer with Structured Data appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

How Schema Markup Helps You Gain or Enhance a Google Knowledge Panel Tue, 29 Jun 2021 13:20:28 +0000 When you Google a person, place, organization or thing, you may have noticed an information box popping up on the right-hand side, called the right rail, of Google search results. That’s a Google Knowledge Panel. On desktop, they’re very easy to spot! You can identify a knowledge panel by the share button that appears beside...

The post How Schema Markup Helps You Gain or Enhance a Google Knowledge Panel appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

When you Google a person, place, organization or thing, you may have noticed an information box popping up on the right-hand side, called the right rail, of Google search results. That’s a Google Knowledge Panel. On desktop, they’re very easy to spot! You can identify a knowledge panel by the share button that appears beside the entity name.

Henry Ford Health System Desktop Knowledge Panel

Google Knowledge Panels are information boxes that appear in search results when Google recognizes an entity in a user’s search query. Google pulls this information from entities defined in its knowledge graph and from trusted resources like Wikipedia. You can help Google along by feeding and enhancing your local or branded knowledge panel through structured data like schema markup.

What do knowledge panels look like on mobile devices?

On mobile, screen size doesn’t allow for side-by-side display so information from Google’s Knowledge Graph may be presented by one or more knowledge panels spread among the search engine page results. Mobile knowledge panels for companies display information similar to the desktop version including:

  • Company name
  • Company Logo
  • Link to the company’s website
  • Summary of the company
  • Contact information
  • Links to social media
  • Stock prices and revenue (if available and/or applicable)
  • People Also Search For carousel

For topic matter, mobile knowledge panels don’t show as much information as a desktop experience because of the limited screen size. 

For people, mobile knowledge panels start to get really interesting. Instead of showing a logo like company knowledge panels or corporate panels, for people Google knowledge panels show a carousel of images for the entity in question in a mobile experience. Other carousels that may show at the bottom of a person’s knowledge panel are videos, books, and of course People Also Search For. What’s really awesome about mobile knowledge panels is that they will show pertinent information for the entity being searched for. For example, when searching for LeBron James the mobile knowledge panel displays his height, because as a professional basketball player this information is relevant to the search query.

LeBron James Mobile Knowledge Panel

Another feature of mobile knowledge panels is to categorize and display the information in tabs. Looking back at our LeBron James example, you can see  different data displayed based on which tab is chosen.

What are the types of Google Knowledge Panels?

There are two types of Google Knowledge Panels: Local and Branded (ex. Organization, Person). This article will explain the differences between them and how to use structured data markup to get a knowledge panel for your online business.

Local Knowledge Panel

Local knowledge panels are information boxes that appear when Google interprets a search query to have local intent. For example, if I search for “Block Three Brewing Company St Jacobs”, a local brewery, its local knowledge panel will display because Google has determined that my search had local intent. You will also see multiple knowledge panels showing throughout the search engine page results.

Block Three Mobile Knowledge Panel

The first step to getting a local knowledge panel for your company is to create a Google Business Profile account. Google Business Profile (GBP) is the catalyst for a local knowledge panel to show in search results. Once created, you can verify that you’re the owner of that business and start adding in any relevant information that you want to display in Google search. Your Google Business Profile can show your company’s phone number, customer ratings and reviews, address, hours, and more! This information can also be shown in your local knowledge panel.

Structured Data for Local Knowledge Panels

You should also verify your website within Google Search Console and add LocalBusiness schema markup. Through this structured data, you define your business as an entity for Google and connect it to other entities defined in Google’s Knowledge Graph. This way, search engines can contextualize your website content and better match it to a user’s search query. Structured data will also increase the chance of Google showing your local knowledge panel in search.

Branded or Personal Knowledge Panels

You can’t apply for a personal or branded knowledge panel, and Google will decide whether you or your brand has enough credibility and authority to warrant one. People and brands who are well-known and have Wikipedia pages dedicated to them often have a knowledge panel appear in Google search. See how Canadian actor Ryan Gosling has a personal Google Knowledge Panel.

Ryan Gosling Knowledge Panel

However, you don’t need a Wikipedia page to have a personal knowledge panel! Schema App COO and the creator of Schema App Mark van Berkel has a personal knowledge panel without one because he is an established figure in his field with multiple sources and publications supporting his authority.

Mark van Berkel Desktop Knowledge Panel

Personal knowledge panels are particularly challenging for Google. There may be hundreds or thousands of people across the web with the same name, and this ambiguity can lead to confusion for the information within knowledge panels. You can see why defining a home for your entity, the subject of the personal knowledge graph, is so important. Here’s where structured data comes in.

Structured Data for Branded Knowledge Panels

This “entity home” is the authoritative source of information for Google to reference. Examples of entity homes for people are an about me page or homepage on the person’s personal site, the about me page on the person’s company website, or a social profile. We recommend choosing an owned domain instead of a social media profile, as they are only semi-owned so you don’t have absolute authority. Once you have decided on your entity home, mark up all relevant information with structured data to help Google understand the content and better display it in your knowledge panel.

When do knowledge panels appear?

A knowledge panel will appear when Google recognizes an entity in a user’s search query. An entity, or a named entity, is a single, well-defined thing or concept. You can use specific identifiers like @ids or URIs to define objects in your web content as distinct entities with their own properties and relationships to other entities. Once defined, you can link them to Google’s Knowledge Graph using structured data. Once you’ve achieved a Knowledge Graph, your entity will receive a unique URL defining it as a part of Google’s Knowledge Graph. This can be found by clicking the share button beside the entity’s name.

Knowledge Panel Share Button

Within your homepage markup, you can then use sameAs to link your organization to the knowledge graph URL, creating another credibility loop for your brand. Link the information on your website to other entities in other knowledge graphs with high E-E-A-T like Wikipedia pages. For example, you can support local search for your brand or local business by using the areaServed property to link to the Wikipedia page for that city, region, or country. Knowledge graphs, more generally, represent the linking of information and data across the web, which allows search engines to contextualize the content you mark up on your website. 

The information shown in knowledge panels comes from sources trusted by search engines to have high E-E-A-T. These sources include Wikipedia, Wikidata, LinkedIn, Facebook, and many others. If Google is confident that this information is correct, it is stored in its knowledge graph.

How does structured data feed and enhance knowledge panels?

Is structured data a direct trigger for Google knowledge panels? The answer is no, but it does feed and enhance your knowledge panel. Adding markup to your website translates your human-readable content into the machine-readable language of JSON-LD, making it easier for search engines to catalogue and contextualize the data on your website.

You’ll likely type your homepage as either a Person, an Organization, a LocalBusiness, or a more specific subtype. Generally speaking, you should use the LocalBusiness type if the business is a brick-and-mortar facility that has address information publicly available. If the business doesn’t have an address associated with it—for example it’s an eCommerce business, a brand, or a service provider that does house calls—the Organization type may be the better choice. The full list of types can be found in their Full Hierarchy where indentations denote a subtype relationship in the hierarchy of terms. We encourage you to check out’s definitions for any types that are relevant to your business, that way you can be sure you’re using the most accurate type. 

Refer to our Ultimate How-to Guide for Local Business Schema Markup to help you get started!

Adding schema markup to your homepage means your website can be the authoritative source of information for Google’s Knowledge Graph, rather than relying on a Wikipedia page (which you don’t own) or your LinkedIn or Twitter profile (which you only semi-own). 

But wait, didn’t we say above that the information shown in knowledge panels comes from trusted sources like Wikipedia or LinkedIn? This is another area where structured data can help! As you build your homepage schema, be sure to use the sameAs property to link to the appropriate Wikipedia page, LinkedIn profile or Twitter profile and leverage the additional E-E-A-T of these resources. Information about your organization should be consistent across all connected sources, and better yet, if those sources link back to your entity home you create an infinite loop of credibility. Everything is connected!

Everything is Connected Graphic

💡 Advanced Tip: use the property type knowsAbout within your Person or Organization markup to link to an external vocabulary URL, such as Wikipedia, to connect your structured data to Google’s Knowledge Graph.

While Wikipedia is often used by Google to populate knowledge panels, control over your knowledge panel is key for your credibility. So, managing the information internally and through schema markup is the best route to take.

How long until my knowledge panel starts showing on Google?

The timeline for your knowledge panel to appear varies. If you’re relying on a Wikipedia article for your organization, your knowledge panel could appear in a few days. If you don’t rely on Wikipedia, it could take a few months. In this case, it’s better to wait so you have more control over the information appearing in your knowledge panel.

How do I claim my knowledge panel?

Before you can claim your knowledge panel, you need to be verified by Google as an authorized representative of your organization:

  1. Ensure that you have a Google account and, if not, create a new one
  2. Go to Google Search
  3. Search for yourself or for your organization (the entity you are representing for the knowledge panel)
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Claim This Knowledge Panel

When you click on the option to “Claim this Knowledge Panel”, you’ll be redirected to Google Search Console. Learn more about claiming your Google Knowledge Panel here.

Why should my brand have a knowledge panel?

We’re used to seeing knowledge panels for prominent brands in search results, so if your brand is missing a knowledge panel, you may not appear as credible to users. Your brand will be able to capture users at different parts of the customer journey and funnel by providing information about your organization through your knowledge panel.

Helping you get a knowledge panel for your organization is only one of the many benefits that come from structured data markup. We’ve helped customers like SAP and Sharp Healthcare increase their clicks, impressions and click-through rates for organic search traffic through structured data, with strategies tailored to each brand’s online business goals.

Do you need help enhancing your Google Knowledge Panel?


The post How Schema Markup Helps You Gain or Enhance a Google Knowledge Panel appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

Creating “CollectionPage” Schema Markup Wed, 24 Jun 2020 20:39:33 +0000 Often, selecting a type to define a web page is pretty straightforward. If there’s price and quantity information, it’s probably a Product. If there’s author and date published information, it’s likely an Article. But what about pages with many different types of content without a main focus? The answer is CollectionPage. defines this...

The post Creating “CollectionPage” Schema Markup appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

Often, selecting a type to define a web page is pretty straightforward. If there’s price and quantity information, it’s probably a Product. If there’s author and date published information, it’s likely an Article.

But what about pages with many different types of content without a main focus? The answer is CollectionPage. defines this type as “Web page type: Collection page.” This definition, being quite vague, means its use cases are pretty flexible. Here at Schema App, we use the CollectionPage type when a single web page has a collection of things without an implied hierarchy. 

What does that mean?

When developing a strategy for your schema markup, understanding the intent of a web page and its place in the site architecture is essential. If a page is mostly intended as an article that contains a small FAQ section, there’s an implied hierarchy that the article is the most important piece of content. So, this would be marked up as an Article containing an FAQPage.

If the page is more of a landing page with equally important content and links intended to bring users to other parts of the site, there’s a good chance it’s a CollectionPage

CollectionPage Properties

While a CollectionPage isn’t eligible for rich results, it can contain other data items that are.

For example, it may contain an Article and a FAQPage while also mentioning a Product, all of which are eligible for rich results. Since the CollectionPage isn’t a Google Feature, it has no required or recommended properties. That being said, there are a number of properties available to this type that we recommend using to define your CollectionPage and how it relates to other data items.

Your list could vary depending on what features you want to call out and what information is displayed on the page. Here are some of the properties that we recommend marking up on your CollectionPage:

  • about: What the page is about. This property can connect to any type of Thing, be it a Service, an Organization, or the URL of a Wikipedia page that defines a particular topic.
  • hasPart: A strong connector for linking to a CreativeWork that is a part of the collection page. Some subclasses of CreativeWork that are commonly used are Article and FAQPage
  • mentions: A weaker connector that can link to any type of Thing. This is a good property to use when connecting to something that isn’t a CreativeWork, such as a Product, Organization or Service.
  • author/publisher/creator: The author, publisher, or creator of the collection page. These properties are a good way to connect to an Organization and its associated brand information.
  • significantLink: One of the more significant URLs on the page. Typically, these are the non-navigation links that are clicked on the most.

Structured data markup has benefits beyond rich results. By defining your data items using @ids (aka URIs), you are defining these objects as distinct entities with their own properties and relationships to other entities. Once defined, these entities can be linked to a search engine’s knowledge graph, helping Google to match your page with more relevant search queries.

How to create CollectionPage Schema Markup

Learn how to create comprehensive and robust CollectionPage schema markup with the following tutorial using the Schema App Editor.

Step One: Create a CollectionPage Data Item

  • Every schema class has a list of properties that can be used to define its features further.
  • Schema App gives you access to all the properties.
  • You can use our recommended list above as a starting point to call out the information listed on your web page.
  • When you login to Schema App, go to your Schema App Editor, search for “Collection Page”, and click “Create”.

Step Two: Provide a name and URL for this data item

  • You will be asked to provide a name for this data item and the URL.
  • This is the URL where your schema markup will be deployed.
  • Schema App will load all of the properties available for CollectionPage, according to

Step Three: Populate all required and any applicable recommended properties

  • As mentioned, you’ll notice that this type doesn’t have any required properties since requirements are only applied to data items eligible for Google’s Rich Results.
  • We recommend filling in the properties listed above, linking to existing data items, or creating new ones as required.
  • Click “Done”. Your JSON-LD will be created.

We put together a video tutorial to walk you through your review schema markup. We hope you find it helpful!

For more information on creating CollectionPage schema markup, including examples of JSON-LD code to help you get started, see our Knowledge Base support article here.

Testing Your CollectionPage Schema Markup

Schema Markup Validator

The Schema Markup Validator (SMV) was modelled after and has officially replaced Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool (SDTT). Many SEOs still prefer the SDTT, as the SMV only validates your syntax and does not show your eligibility for rich results. Learn more about the SMV here.

Schema Markup Validator Screenshot

Rich Results Testing Tool

Google’s Rich Results Testing Tool helps you to see which rich results can be generated by the structured data it contains.

Rich Result Test

Frequently Asked Questions about CollectionPage Schema Markup

What is CollectionPage schema? defines this type as: “Web page type: Collection page.” This definition, being quite vague, means its use cases are pretty flexible. At Schema App, we use the CollectionPage type when a single web page has a collection of things without an implied hierarchy.

What is the correct way to use the CollectionPage type?

If the page is more of a landing page with equally important content and links intended to bring users to other parts of the site, there’s a good chance it’s a CollectionPage

Is a CollectionPage eligible for rich results?

While a CollectionPage isn’t eligible for rich results, it can contain other data items that are. For example, it may contain an Article and an FAQPage while also mentioning a Product, all of which are eligible for rich results.

Do you need help creating CollectionPage schema markup for your website?

The post Creating “CollectionPage” Schema Markup appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

Schema Markup Checker: How to Test If Your Schema Markup Works Tue, 30 Jul 2019 20:19:05 +0000 We’re often asked how to check the accuracy of your Schema Markup once it’s been implemented. The answer depends on whether you want to assess the validity of your markup or the impact it’s having on site performance. Assuming you want to know both, this article breaks down which tools to use, and how to...

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We’re often asked how to check the accuracy of your Schema Markup once it’s been implemented. The answer depends on whether you want to assess the validity of your markup or the impact it’s having on site performance.

Assuming you want to know both, this article breaks down which tools to use, and how to use them.

Schema Markup doesn’t stop with deployment. By properly defining entities in your content through structured data like Schema Markup, these entities can be linked to a search engine’s knowledge graph. Knowledge graphs connect information from all across the web, and structured data helps search engines like Google contextualize your content to better match your site with search queries.

Your content can also be eligible for rich results in search, which can help your brand stand out from the competition.

For example, for two eCommerce stores selling the same product, if one displays the price, customer ratings, and reviews and the other does not, our eyes are typically drawn to the differences. This additional information can all be included in your Schema Markup as long as you follow Google’s structured data guidelines.

Test that your Schema Markup is working using the following methods so that your website doesn’t miss out on the opportunities of structured data.

Has my Schema Markup Been Successfully Deployed?

The first step is to make sure that your markup is on the page.

If you are copying and pasting the JSON-LD into the page, you can simply right-click on the web page, view the source and search within the elements tab for “LD+JSON” to see if the code is there.

If you are using Schema App or Google Tag Manager to deploy your code, it’s easier to use Google’s Rich Result Testing Tool for rich result eligibility and the Schema Markup Validator (SMV) for any errors in your Schema Markup syntax.

Alternatively, you can wait and check within Google Search Console to report on the rich results or features tied to certain structured data. This could take anywhere from a few days up to a month, depending on how regularly Google crawls your site.

For websites that populate the Schema Markup dynamically, e.g. using JavaScript, then only the Schema Markup Validator will show these results.

Dynamic Schema Markup requires the structured data testing tool to load the HTML and process JavaScript, something Google has supported for a couple of years.

If you create Schema Markup using inline HTML (e.g. microdata, RDFa) or the JSON-LD is created Server side, all tools should work.

Are There Any Errors in the Implementation?

It’s very important that you check your Schema Markup to ensure it is working hard behind the scenes for your website. While you are waiting for the Google Search Console results to appear, there are a variety of tools that allow you to check for any errors or warnings that your markup may be generating.

Schema Markup Validator (SMV)

The Schema Markup Validator went live May 2021, and officially replaced Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool on August 9th, 2021. Google originally intended the Rich Results Testing Tool to replace the SDTT, but following backlash about this change Google decided to incorporate validation tooling into Schema.Org to support SEOs as they test their structured data markup.

The Schema Markup Validator is based on the Google Structured Data Testing Tool and is essentially a Schema Markup checker. The service, provided by Google for the Schema.Org community, can validate Schema.Org based structured data embedded in web pages, otherwise known as Schema Markup.

The SMV has the ability to extract JSON-LD, RDFa, and Microdata markup, display a summary of the extracted structured data, and identify syntax mistakes in the markup.

Schema.Org Markup Validator Screenshot

Rich Results Testing Tool (RRTT)

screenshot of google rich results test

The Rich Results Testing Tool supports all rich result features, and is most closely aligned with Google Search Console. This tool lists all the rich results one page may be eligible for, and—in some instances—shows you a preview of how your rich result could appear in the SERP.

It’s important to remember that the Rich Results Testing Tool only validates Types that are eligible for rich results in search. If you’re using Types that aren’t eligible for rich results, view the “raw” JSON-LD, to ensure it’s being crawled, but that’s it.

If you want a comprehensive view of all markup on a page, rather than only the types that are eligible for rich results, this tool is best used in tandem with other structured data testing tools.

Schema App’s Analyzer

An image of the Schema App Analyzer graph checking schema markup and illustrating Errors, Warnings and No Issues from a sample site in regards to various Schema Types.

The Schema App Analyzer validates markup site-wide, for up to 10K pages. Run the Analyzer on any site and discover JSON-LD, RDFa and microdata, even when loaded dynamically.

Once the site has been crawled, the Analyzer provides a comprehensive health report in the form of data visualization and a list of “Items Analyzed” by Type. Clicking “Show Details” for a specific item presents a list of each URL containing that item and a breakdown of any errors or warnings.

Since this tool validates syntax, it follows more stringent rules. These can guide your Schema Markup beyond just the requirements of Google features.

The Schema App Analyzer identifies markup that Google won’t be able to read as a result of site speed issues. If you see errors or warnings about “missing” properties that definitely exist on your page, you should investigate site speed to ensure all your markup is visible to search engine crawlers.

Ultimately, this tool provides a micro and macro view of the overall health of your markup, pointing out what to revisit for enhanced performance.

The Analyzer is available to all Schema App subscribers from Pro through to Enterprise.

Note: Be on the lookout for imminent changes to the Analyzer, as we are readying reports to provide new ways of understanding your Schema Markup:

  • Schema Markup by Type
  • Schema Markup by Error / Warning
  • Schema Markup by Page Path
  • Schema Markup by Google Feature

Moreover, an updated user flow and historical view of your data will show how your markup is trending over time.

Schema App’s Structured Data Tester 

Schema App's Structured Data Tester.

The Schema App Structured Data Tester can be found in the “Maintenance” tab in Schema App. Enter any URL, and this tool will display the Schema Markup found on that page. It is the only testing tool that displays dynamic data and does not cache the results.

Having a testing tool integrated within Schema App improves your markup workflow so you don’t always have to go to another site to check your markup.

We recommend getting into the habit of using at least one of these tools when authoring your markup. It not only confirms whether it’s deployed correctly but also gives you an idea of the scope of your markup, allowing you to assess its accuracy.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is an excellent tool for monitoring both whether your markup is valid, and the impact it’s having on site performance. For more information about using Google Search Console, check out our article How to Measure the Impact of Structured Data.

Frequently Asked Questions About Testing Schema Markup

How do I know if my site has Schema Markup?

There are several tools you can use to know if your site has Schema Markup.

Google Search Console provides insights into how Googlebot views your website. Within Google Search Console, you can check the “Enhancements” section to see if Google has detected and processed your structured data. Validator allows you to input a URL and check for Schema Markup. It provides a detailed report of the structured data found on your webpage.

Rich Results Testing Tool is another valuable tool provided by Google for checking and validating structured data on a webpage, specifically focusing on how it may impact search results. This tool will state whether the markup is valid to create an eligible rich result and whether any opportunities exist to improve the item’s appearance. From there, it also states whether there are any errors in the markup to identify what needs to be addressed to create a valid instance. This is particularly useful for websites looking to visually enhance their appearance in search using structured data.

Before you add custom schema markup to your website, it is important to review your site for any existing markup. Many SEO plugins like Yoast tend to automatically inject Schema Markup on your site. Though convenient, the markup added by these plugins tends to be generic and less customizable.

Therefore, we recommend checking to see if your site has any existing Schema Markup before you go ahead and implement custom Schema Markup that accurately describes your website content. That way, you can remove any existing markup added by any plugins and prevent duplicate markup issues.

Where do I start with Schema Markup?

When you decide to implement Schema Markup on a website, first identify what pages you want to optimize. From there, decide what part of the vocabulary will achieve the best organic search results and most Google rich results. Start with developing your schema strategy using our guide: How to Develop a Schema Markup Strategy for a Website.

Then, move to authoring and deployment. Schema App makes Schema Markup implementation and validation easy. Our expert tools help you mark up your content with structured data—no coding required on your part! Validate your Schema Markup using the tips and tools we mentioned in this article.

How do I find errors in my Schema Markup?

The first step is to make sure that your markup is on the page using the Schema Markup Validator (SMV). You can also use Google Search Console to report on the rich results or features tied to certain structured data. Another powerful tool is Schema App’s Analyzer, which validates markup side-wide for up to 10K pages.

What is the purpose of Schema Markup?

Adding Schema Markup to existing pages helps search engines find information and present it to users through engaging rich results. Schema Markup is code added to your website that translates content into a language search engines understand. This advanced SEO strategy can increase your E-E-A-T, improve your brand findability, and help your online business drive more quality organic traffic to your website.

There are plenty of helpful tools out there to gauge whether your markup is working. We have experience with testing Schema Markup for enterprise organizations and have created testing tools for testing at scale. We help you go beyond the fundamentals of search engine optimization, leveraging structured data to showcase your unique value in search.

In a rapidly changing SEO environment, we introduce agility to your digital team, saving you time and resources for managing other aspects of your business. We deliver your online business goals using our structured data expertise and advanced technology.

Set up a call with our Schema Markup experts today.


The post Schema Markup Checker: How to Test If Your Schema Markup Works appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

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Microdata Filter Questions and Answers Wed, 02 Jan 2019 14:44:04 +0000 Have questions about microdata vs json-ld? Wondering how to create connected and semantically correct Schema Markup without conflicts? Look no further. This Microdata Filter Questions and Answers page aims to clear the air. Frequently Asked Questions What is microdata and what’s the difference between microdata and json-ld? Microdata is an older format of schema markup....

The post Microdata Filter Questions and Answers appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

Have questions about microdata vs json-ld? Wondering how to create connected and semantically correct Schema Markup without conflicts? Look no further. This Microdata Filter Questions and Answers page aims to clear the air.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is microdata and what’s the difference between microdata and json-ld?

Microdata is an older format of schema markup. Schema App uses json-ld, as this is preferred by Google and other search engines.

Are there large platforms that support only microdata for their features?

For awhile, Facebook ads used exclusively microdata for its targeting functionality. After a recent review of Facebook’s documentation, this support has now expanded to json-ld.

I have microdata on my site. Will it conflict with the markup generated by Schema App?

This would depend on what markup is in the microdata and what markup is being included by Schema App. There is potential for a conflict that impacts site performance, so we recommend removing the microdata and ensuring that the markup being created or deployed to these pages.

There are errors within the microdata. Can I resolve these and how?

The Schema App Team has created a Schema Filter which will remove the microdata from the page so that these errors are not published and seen by Google’s crawler. We include the microdata filter in our WordPress, Shopify, and BigCommerce plugins. The filter can be toggled on from within the respective platforms’ plugin settings.

If you are not using the platforms mentioned above, you can still use the microdata filter by including the JavaScript tag, which we’ve shared via our Microdata Filter GitHub page. Additionally, the filter can be configured to remove certain markup by following the Microdata filter documentation. For more information on the Microdata filter, please see our how-to article, Schema Markup Filtering Javascript Library.

I have enabled the microdata filter, but when I test the page in Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool, I still see the microdata and any errors associated with them. Is the microdata filter working on my page?

microdata filter

Unfortunately, the Structured Data Testing Tool, which has officially been replaced with the Schema Markup Validator (SMV), did not trigger the JavaScript and showed the result after the microdata has been filtered, so the microdata still showed when testing the live page as seen above. Google’s crawler, however, will see the pages with the microdata filtered and therefore no associated microdata errors.

If the Structured Data Testing Tool does not accurately display the microdata filtered results, how can I tell what Google’s Crawler is seeing?

If you are in the Google Chrome Browser, you will need to right click on the page you are looking to test and then click on the inspect option.


LA Kings

From here you will see the html for the site. At the very top if you right click on the tag that begins with “ <html ” and go to Copy then click on Copy element this will copy the page’s code.

Copy the page's code

Next you will need to navigate to the Schema Markup Validator (SMV) to run a new test and test the validity of your schema markup syntax. You should supplement the SMV with Google’s Rich Result Testing Tool to analyze your rich result eligibility.


From the new test pop-over window you will need to select the code snippet option and paste the page code you had copied previously, then run the testing tool. This page code will show the results after the microdata has been filtered.

Additionally, you may notice that this shows the preview button when there are duplicate products. Please see our previous blog post, Strange Behaviors in Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool, on this and other odd behaviors seen with Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

SEOs still prefer Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to the Schema Markup Validator, as the SMV currently only shows syntax errors and not eligibility for rich results. Google’s Rich Results Test, however, does show rich result eligibility! At Schema App, we see schema markup as an iterative process. We use errors in structured data markup as content opportunities to make your markup more robust and comprehensive. Maximize your results from structured data by getting started with our technical experts today!

Start reaching your online business goals with structured data.


The post Microdata Filter Questions and Answers appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

Schema Markup Filtering Javascript Library Wed, 10 Oct 2018 01:47:47 +0000 There are lots of times websites have schema markup added by the CMS or Theme that add disappointing markup. In order to disambiguate the data items on the page, or to control the main entity or change between rich snippets, or just clean up erroneous markup we have a couple of options. First, try to...

The post Schema Markup Filtering Javascript Library appeared first on Schema App Solutions.

There are lots of times websites have schema markup added by the CMS or Theme that add disappointing markup. In order to disambiguate the data items on the page, or to control the main entity or change between rich snippets, or just clean up erroneous markup we have a couple of options. First, try to alter the theme or CMS that’s producing, but failing that you can use JavaScript to inspect the page and remove the schema markup.

For JavaScript, we’ve published a JavaScript library that can help to handle different scenarios.

Among the options, the JS library can be setup to filter combinations of:
1. Schema Class List (defaults to All)
2. Schema Syntax RDFa, Microdata or JSON-LD (defaults to microdata)

If you have ideas for improvements we can use the GitHub repository features to make suggestions.  Below we’ve included some of the file to give you an idea on how it works and options.


JavaScript Filter tool to remove Schema markup in JSON-LD, Microdata, or RDFa formats from webpages.


To the use the script import it using a script tag. We recommend using the CDN version of the script where possible.

// Using the CDN Version (Recommended)
<script src=""></script>

// Loading asyncronously 
<script async src=""></script>

// Or load it locally
<script src="schemaFilter.js"></script>

Modes of removal

Schema Filter supports the removal of JSON-LD, Microdata, and RDFa. This is done by calling the specific functions or through specifying them by name. Multiple calls to the function can be used to remove more than one format. Each command must be within a <script>…</script>.

  • JSON-LD SchemaFilter.remove([],'json-ld'); or SchemaFilter.removeJSONLD();
  • Microdata SchemaFilter.remove(); or SchemaFilter.removeMicroData();
  • RDFa SchemaFilter.remove([],'rdfa'); or SchemaFilter.removeRDFa();

Specifying specific Types

Specifying particular schema classes is done through passing an array to the remove function. If all classes are to be removed then the array may be left empty ([]), or passed in as null.

// This will remove all Event and Organization types on Microdata
<script>SchemaFilter.remove(['Event', 'Organization']);</script>

// This will remove LocalBusiness, Organization, and WebSite classes in a JSON-LD format. 
<script>SchemaFilter.remove(['LocalBusiness', 'Organization', 'WebSite'], 'json-ld');</script>

// Remove all classes of rdfa (notice the empty array).

// Remove all Organizations of RDFa
<script>SchemaFilter.remove(['Organization'], 'rdfa');</script>

// Remove all classes of JSON-LD (notice we can also use null for the array).

Running the script on your page

Once the script is imported you may the run script in another block of JavaScript. The script should be run when the document is ready or after another event that injects Schema Markup into the page. If the markup is embedded in the source you may run when the document is loaded as shown below.

<script>SchemaFilter.remove(null, 'json-ld');</script>

If you want to alter the event in which the code is loaded you can specify the string event value into the onLoad property of the SchemaFilter.

SchemaFilter.onLoad = 'SomeEventHere'; // the default value

At Schema App, we look at schema markup as an iterative process. Through enhanced analytics and content recommendations, we help our customers maximize their results through structured data. If you need help getting started, get in touch today!

Start reaching your online business goals with structured data.


The post Schema Markup Filtering Javascript Library appeared first on Schema App Solutions.
