[[{"@type":["BlogPosting"],"@id":"https:\/\/www.schemaapp.com\/schema-markup\/how-to-implement-schema-markup-on-your-aem-site\/#BlogPosting","@context":{"@vocab":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","kg":"http:\/\/g.co\/kg"},"url":"https:\/\/www.schemaapp.com\/schema-markup\/how-to-implement-schema-markup-on-your-aem-site\/","publisher":[{"@id":"https:\/\/www.schemaapp.com\/#Organization"}],"audience":"https:\/\/schema.org\/PeopleAudience","inLanguage":[{"@type":"Language","@id":"https:\/\/www.schemaapp.com\/schema-markup\/how-to-implement-schema-markup-on-your-aem-site\/#BlogPosting_inLanguage_Language","name":"English"}],"dateModified":"2024-08-21T17:58:24+00:00","headline":"How to Implement Schema Markup on Your AEM Site","datePublished":"2024-08-21T17:56:43+00:00","image":[{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/www.schemaapp.com\/schema-markup\/how-to-implement-schema-markup-on-your-aem-site\/#BlogPosting_image_ImageObject","url":"https:\/\/www.schemaapp.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/How-to-Implement-Schema-Markup-on-AEM-1.png"}],"mainEntityOfPage":"https:\/\/www.schemaapp.com\/schema-markup\/how-to-implement-schema-markup-on-your-aem-site\/","name":"How to Implement Schema Markup on Your AEM Site","articleBody":"Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a robust content management solution widely used for building websites, mobile apps, and forms. It is recognized as a leader Gartner\u2019s Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management for eight consecutive years.\nMany large enterprises leverage AEM to create rich online experiences due to its high level of customization. AEM\u2019s component-based architecture offers a flexible and modular approach to building and customizing websites, which, while powerful, can also create a complex environment.\nOrganizations can customize their AEM setup extensively, whether running on-premise or in the cloud, and can use AEM headless to deliver experiences across platforms and channels at scale.\nWhy Implement Schema Markup on an AEM Site?\nImplementing Schema Markup on an AEM site is crucial for enhancing a website\u2019s performance.\nSchema Markup helps search engines understand and contextualize your website\u2019s content more effectively, leading to better-aligned search queries, improved search performance, and higher conversion rates. Implementing specific types of Schema Markup can also make your web page eligible for rich results, allowing your brand to further enhance its visibility on the search engine results page (SERP).\nAdditionally, Schema Markup supports AI initiatives by building your organization\u2019s content knowledge graph, facilitating deep machine understanding of your content and brand.\nHow to Implement Schema Markup on Your AEM Site\nWhile the benefits of implementing Schema Markup are evident, AEM\u2019s complexities can make it difficult for SEO teams to implement robust Schema Markup at scale. In this section, we will dive into the various methods of implementing Schema Markup on AEM to help you determine the option that best suits your team\u2019s abilities and goals.\n1. Manually Implementing Schema Markup on AEM\nThere are two primary approaches to manually implementing Schema Markup on AEM, both with their own unique challenges:\n\ncreating static markup and pasting it into the post HTML, or\ncreating a dynamic but complex solution.\n\nLet\u2019s dive in.\nWrite the Markup Manually and Paste it Within the Post HTML\nYou can manually write the Schema Markup and insert it into the HTML of each post. This method involves authoring the Schema Markup in JSON-LD and adding the markup directly to the page\u2019s source code, which is not dynamic or scalable.\nWith this method, every time the content on a page is updated, the Schema Markup must also be manually updated to reflect the updated content. This approach results in static Schema Markup that requires constant maintenance and is not ideal for large-scale implementations.\nCreate a Dynamic Schema Markup Solution in AEM Manually\nSince AEM is highly customizable, there are currently no standard plugins that can automatically inject default Schema Markup across pages.\nIf you want to dynamically generate Schema Markup based on the latest content on your page, you must manually develop a solution that maps AEM components to Schema.org properties. This involves identifying the components on each page and defining how their properties correspond to Schema.org properties.\nDue to AEM\u2019s lack of standardized components (i.e., title, featured image, author, etc.), this method will require you to manually structure the data and map each property to the appropriate Schema Markup, which can be tedious. Each page may have different components and subcomponents, making it challenging to create a one-size-fits-all solution.\nChallenges and Considerations for this Approach\nImplementing a dynamic Schema Markup solution in AEM is labor-intensive and typically not feasible for marketing teams to manage independently. It requires a dedicated IT team to build and maintain the system, and depending on the organization\u2019s resources, it may not be a practical trade-off.\nWhile manual implementation of Schema Markup on AEM is possible, it demands skilled execution and significant development time and resources to ensure the solution is effective and sustainable.\n2. Leverage a Schema Markup Solution for AEM\nIf you want to implement Schema Markup on AEM at scale without dealing with the complexity, the best alternative would be to partner with a full-service Schema Markup solution like Schema App.\nSchema App offers an end-to-end Schema Markup solution specifically designed for enterprise teams, covering everything from strategy and authoring to achieving measurable results.\nWhen you work with Schema App, you will get an assigned Customer Success Manager who will create your Schema Markup strategy and author your Schema Markup using our authoring tools. This includes our Schema App Highlighter, which generates dynamic Schema Markup for your page categories and deploys the markup to your AEM site (headless or not) at scale without requiring manual coding.\nOur solution offers flexibility to ensure your site benefits from improved search engine understanding and visibility, regardless of its architecture.\nHow does Schema App deploy Schema Markup to AEM?\nDeploying Schema Markup to Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) can be complex due to its high customizability. At Schema App, we offer two methods to simplify this process:\n1. Using the Schema App Connector for AEM (Server-Side Deployment)\nThe Schema App Connector for AEM is a plugin that integrates the Schema App platform with your AEM system.\nThe Connector receives your Schema Markup from Schema App and stores it server-side, ensuring that the markup is readily available for deployment. Through a cloud services configuration, the Connector inserts the markup into the page in real-time during page load, making it easily accessible to search engines.\nThis method increases the reliability of Schema Markup delivery and reduces page rendering time.\nYour development team will only be required to set up the integration. Once the Schema App Connector is installed as a dependency in your AEM setup, any Schema Markup you create with Schema App will be automatically deployed.\n2. Using a Tag Manager (Most Popular for its Dynamic Capabilities and Ease of Use)\nSchema App can also deploy Schema Markup to AEM using a Tag Manager like Adobe Launch, Google Tag Manager, or similar tools.\nThis approach is popular among Schema App customers because it is:\n\neasy to use,\nquick to install and\ndoesn\u2019t require input or resources from your development team.\n\nHow does it work?\nThe Tag Manager method adds a JavaScript element to your AEM installation. This script dynamically generates Schema Markup by interacting with the final rendered page, regardless of where the content originates.\nWhen a user visits your page, the script is loaded from a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and generates the markup on the fly. Even if components load outside of AEM, the script can still capture and mark up this information.\nThis approach reflects changes instantly without caching, making it a highly dynamic solution.\nChoosing the Best Method\nYou can choose the method that best suits your web environment and preferences. During the sales process, our team will assist you in determining the most suitable integration method for your AEM system.\nBeyond the dynamic deployment capabilities, partnering with Schema App also offers additional benefits:\n\nSchema Markup Strategy Guidance: You\u2019ll be assigned a Customer Success Manager (CSM) to help you identify the properties to target for achieving rich results or enhancing your knowledge graph.\nOngoing Support and Content Recommendations: After the initial implementation, you\u2019ll receive ongoing content recommendations to optimize your website for Schema Markup, and measurable insights through Schema Performance Analytics (SPA) and timely business reviews.\n\nRead this article to learn how our Customer Success Team will manage your Schema Markup for long-term success.\nImplement Schema Markup on Your AEM Website With Schema App\nImplementing Schema Markup on your AEM site can enhance your website\u2019s search visibility and user engagement. By offering search engines clear and structured information about your content, you can achieve rich results, increase click-through rates, and drive more conversions to your website.\nWhether you choose the Schema App Connector for AEM or the dynamic and easy-to-use Tag Manager method, Schema App\u2019s end-to-end Schema Markup solution will empower your organization to generate robust Schema Markup at scale with speed, agility, and accuracy.\nContact us today to see how we can help you implement Schema Markup on AEM and drive better results.\nSee how Schema App can help your team implement advanced Schema Markup on AEMLet\u2019s Talk\n ","description":"Implementing Schema Markup on Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) can enhance your website\u2019s search visibility and user engagement. 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