Does your cat sleep with you?

Did you know almost 56% of pet owners sleep with their pets? For cat owners, it’s about 50%.

cat sleeping while boarded at best cat hotel in ct

Benefits of Sleeping with your cat

According to The Sleep Judge, there are many benefits to having your cat sleep with you.

  • Sleeping with a cat could offer a sense of security and aid in relaxation.

  • Cats reduce stress, bring warmth and their purring and breathing is known to relieve stress and help you sleep.

Disadvantages of having your cat sleep with you

  • Cats are nocturnal animals. They don’t care that you have to wake up early in the morning or that you might be exhausted, sick or desperately need a good 8 hours of sleep.

  • Allergies - Cat dander is a common allergen and some people are highly allergic.

  • Litterbox Debris - Litter and other debris on your kitty can wind up on your bed. The 2 above disadvantages can be resolved by grooming.

cat owner with Siamese cat ready to stay at cat hotel

Anyone who has cats knows that their sleep cycles aren’t the same as ours, and they don’t care. Most cat parents will agree this is a small sacrifice in comparison to the joy their purrs bring.  Do you sleep with your cat?


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