Schema App Editor

Generate and Deploy Semantic Schema Markup Without Writing Any Code

With the Schema App Editor, you can easily generate, deploy and manage your Schema Markup using a single tool.

Generate Schema Markup and Automate the Deployment

Many SEO teams rely on IT to manually write the Schema Markup code and paste it on each web page, making it tough to manage and update.

The Schema App Editor allows SEO teams to generate the Schema Markup in JSON-LD, link entities across the site and external knowledge bases, and automatically deploy it to an individual web page without writing a single line of code.

All the pages you optimized with Schema Markup can be updated in minutes, making it easy to manage.

Schema App Editor Interface

Schema App Editor Features

Contains the entire vocabulary and extensions

Links to Wikipedia, Wikidata and Google’s Knowledge Graph to provide greater clarity

Creates Semantic Schema Markup via nested entities to build out a reusable Knowledge Graph

Organizes properties by Required, Recommended and Other fields according to Google’s guidelines

Provides real-time validations showing users errors and warnings while creating Schema Markup

Validates JSON-LD Schema Markup with Google’s Rich Results Testing Tool Structured Data Testing or Schema Markup Validation Tool in one click

Integrates and deploys Schema Markup to any CMS or website

Accommodates management of Schema Markup for multiple sites through Projects

Managing Semantic Schema Markup has never been easier.

How the Schema App Editor Works

How the Schema App Editor works – Step 1 – Choose the Type that best describes the content you are optimizing

Step 1.

Choose the Type that best describes the content you are optimizing.

How the Schema App Editor works – Step 2 – Type in the URL that you want the Schema Markup deployed to.

Step 2.

Type in the URL that you want the Schema Markup deployed to.

How the Schema App Editor works – Step 3 – Fill in the property fields for the selected Type

Step 3.

Fill in the required, recommended and other property fields with content that is visible or displayed on your page.

How the Schema App Editor works – Step 4 – The Editor will generate and deploy the Schema Markup automatically to your page

Step 4.

Click done and the Editor will generate the JSON-LD code and automatically deploy the Schema Markup to your page.

How the Schema App Editor works – Step 5 – Manage your Schema Markup and keep it up to date

Step 5.

Made a change to the content on your page? Simply update the appropriate property fields in the Editor and we’ll handle the rest.

Looking for a scalable Schema Markup tool?

The Schema App Highlighter can generate and deploy Schema Markup to thousands of pages with similar layouts within minutes.

image of our guest Lauren Anderson

Lauren Anderson
Digital Content and Marketing Strategist
Baptist Health

Schema App made it so much easier because I don’t have to code anything or understand the language. Everything is done automatically. As long as we agree upon what format and structure we want to use to display our content as a content team, we know that the Schema Markup will get added automatically, and we don’t have to do anything.

Schema Markup 101 training

Schema Markup Training Course by Schema App

Sign up for our free training courses to build your fundamental knowledge about Schema Markup and our Schema App platform.

Image of Schema App tools training

Schema App Tools Training Course

Learn how to use our Editor and Highlighter to author and deploy your Schema Markup strategy.

How to Manage Your Schema Markup

Dive into the strategies you can implement to manage your Schema Markup for long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Managing Semantic Schema Markup has never been easier.

See what else Schema App can do

Schema App Highlighter

Use the Schema App Highlighter to create and deploy advanced Schema Markup to thousands of similar templated pages on your site within minutes.

High Touch Support Services

Get high-touch support, strategic guidance and a partner to execute your Structured Data strategy with our expert Customer Success Team.
