Schema Performance Analytics

Maximize the performance of Schema Markup across your website

Use Schema Performance Analytics to track the performance of your Schema Markup efforts and inform your Schema Markup strategy

Learn how Schema Markup is driving your website performance

Schema Performance Analytics (SPA) is an interactive analytics reporting tool that allows users to monitor, analyze and get timely insights about their Schema Markup performance.

SPA combines data from Google Search Console (GSC) and Schema App’s Highlighter and Editor to provide users with customizable reporting to show return on investment to various stakeholders within the organization.

Say goodbye to the 1000 row limit on GSC. Use SPA to view a complete set of data from GSC, across multiple dimensions in a single view, for better custom reporting abilities.

Benefit of Schema Performance Analytics – Track schema markup efforts

Track your Schema Markup Efforts

Visualize your entire Schema Markup performance journey. SPA provides users with insights into their content’s clicks, impressions and click-through rates over months, quarters, and years.

360° View of Performance Data

View content performance on SPA through dimensions such as date, page, query, rich results and Schema App Template to get a 360 view of your Schema Markup performance.

360 view of schema markup performance data
Schema Performance Analytics - Identify opportunities within your content markup strategy

Identify Opportunities Within your Schema Markup Strategy

See your mix of rich results and identify opportunities to diversify your search appearances and inform your content strategy moving forward.

Enable Stakeholder Reporting

Drill down into the Schema Markup performance of specific URL groups, departments or lines of business on SPA, using our URL wildcard filter and report on the metrics to relevant stakeholders within your organization.

Schema Performance Analytics - Wildcard feature

Ready to measure the results of your Schema Markup efforts?

If you are currently a Schema App Enterprise Customer, please contact your Customer Success Manager to set up SPA.

If you would like to learn more about our Schema App Enterprise solution and SPA, get in touch with us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

See what else Schema App can do

Schema App Highlighter

Use the Schema App Highlighter to create Schema Markup for a template and deploy your markups at scale

Schema App Editor

Use the Schema App Editor to markup unique pages with customized content without writing any code.
